Usage method Example Initialization
Operating environment License agreement Installation
Abbreviation Other Shortcut keys
Program code
[A] [B] [C] [D]
[E] [F] [G] [H]
[I] [J] [K] [L]
[N] [O] [P] [Q]
[R] [S] [T] [U]
[V] [W] [X] [Y]
0〜9 . + - * / =
> >> (Integer processing)
[ ] ( ) ~ | ! ^
:L :: :E , ;
' " ` (Display) @
(conversion display)
$ (current date and time)>
% (control) # (temporary change)
Explanation of each item
Launch the Executable file [ExctF] Command line
Key code [SndKy]
Data recording method [MDtRc]
Binary memory [BnryM]
Calculation window size [ScrMd]
Text box Search Replace
Picture box
Print [PrFSE, PrFnt, TFntN]
Communication settings (RS-232C) [CmSet, CmCnt] File encryption
Database settings [DBSet] Database display
Edit database Database file
AtclcManual.html_Version 1.4022.0.4430 Apr. 2024
Homepage [ATHP] or .net or .info
E-mail address or .net or .info
Usage method
[1] Write the program ( ATCLC specific code ) in the text box
[ Save as text file (*.TXT) ]
[2] F11 key (VB) or F12 key (DLL)
The calculation result will be displayed in his picture box
Pause the program in the middle --> Esc
Resume program ( cancel pause ) --> F11, F12
End the program midway --> Ctrl+Alt+Shift
Emergency termination of ATCLC processing --> Ctrl+Alt+Space
ATCLC End --> End button, [ Alt + F, X ], [ Alt + F4 ]
Program code is alphabetic characters [ A to Z ( case sensitive ), symbols, numbers, spaces(1B) ]
Main difference from mathematical formulas Numbers come first, symbols are omitted.
Example cos10 --> 10c sin30[deg] --> 30sd
Calculation results are recorded in temporary real number memory
Temporary real number memory before execution VB 0.1 DLL 0.001
M memory, N memory, X memory, > >>(integer processing)
Program byte count <= Actual 1MB
The text display in the text box is up to 20100 characters TxtEx
Execution from command line ( ATCLC.EXE + switch )
Example of use
[1] 30sd F12 key ( sin30 [deg] )
100*1000la= F12 key ( 100 * log1000 base=10 )
e * 100 = F12 key
[2] C1 N1 ' E
:L1 p n1 R
Picture box
1 j [ C : \ D \ P1 . BMP ] 2 j [ C : \ D \ P2 . BMP ]
0 :L1 T%JFL1Pc , 2 T%JFL2Pc , 1 G1
;Display P1.BMP for 2 seconds, then display P2.BMP for 1 second, and repeat.
********** Initialization file **********
... = ... [line break] # ( temporary change )
[ Uppercase and lowercase characters are sensitive ]
Indirectly describe the drive letter with variables ( %0 ~ %9 ) ( %0 ~ 9 = C if there is no description )
( Example %1=D [line break] ExctF1 = %1 : \ ABC \ DEF.EXE --> ExctF1 = D : \ ABC \ DEF.EXE )
TxFDr = Default directory for text files ( *.TXT ) #( Dflt = ClcDr )
PrgDr = Program default directory ( *.TXT ) #( Dflt = ClcDr )
DtFDr = Default directory for data files ( *.BMP, *.WAV, *.AVI ) #( Dflt = ClcDr )
DtBDr = Database default directory ( *.MDB, *.XLS, *.CSV ) #( Dflt = ClcDr )
TmpDr = Directory for temporary file storage #( Dflt = ClcDr )
HlpBP = Full path of the browser that displays *.html + N# ( Dflt = C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe 2# )
MdPyP = full path of media player ( Dflt = C:\Program Files\Windows Media Player\wmplayer.exe )
EdtrP = full path of text editor + N# ( Dflt = WRITE.EXE 2# )
INIEP = full path of INI file editor + N# ( Dflt = NOTEPAD.EXE 2# )
( Write.exe, notepad.exe may not have a drive name + directory name. )
( If there is a directory that does not exist, the setting will be invalid. )
DBSet = Database settings #( Dflt = 1, 0, C, 0, 1, 500, ; , | ,~ )
MDtRc = Memory data recording method #( Dflt = MN, 0, 80, D, RS, L, 0, Z )
CmSet = Communication settings [RS-232C settings] #( Dflt = 3, 32500, 32500, 2, 19200, N, 8, 1 )
CmCnt = Communication settings #( Dflt = d, 1000, 0, 0, T, BF, 100, N, E )
CmTxE = String indicating end of text #( Dflt = *TxtEnd* )
CmHOf = Character string to release pause #( Dflt = *HLTOff* )
ATMCM = Enter modem command mode #( Dflt = +++ )
ATMDM = Enter modem data mode #( Dflt = ATO0 )
TxtEx = Number of characters of text displayed in TxtBx #( Dflt = 20100 )
INIEd = Edit INI file [ 0 = External editor 1 = TxtBx ] ( Dflt = 1 )
TbStp = Tab stop position (interval) [ 1 ~ 1000 ] ( Dflt = 32 )
OtCnt = Number of program steps before temporarily returning to Windows #( Dflt = 500 )
[ DLL 1 <= OtCnt <= 100000 ] [ VB 1 <= OtCnt <= 10000 ]
PgStP = start position [ 0 = front of text 1 = cursor position ] #( Dflt = 0 )
HltCr = Cursor position during HLT [ 0 = Not controlled 1 = HLT position ] #( Dflt = 1)
EndCr = cursor position at end
[ 0 = No control 1 = Start position 2 = End position ] #( Dflt = 2 )
CrsMv = Cursor movement [ J = number of characters G = number of lines R = number of columns ] #( Dflt = J )
ClcRc = Record calculation results to clipboard [ 0 = No 1 = Yes ] #( Dflt = 0 )
( Temporary real number memory at end )
SndKy = Generate key code #( Dflt = )
TmDfT = Tm timer processing interval [msec] [10 ~ 65530] #( Dflt = 100 )
TdDfT = Td timer processing interval [msec] [10 ~ 65530] #( Dflt = 1000 )
TwDfT = Tw timer processing interval [msec] [10 ~ 65530] #( Dflt = 1000 )
PctrR = Record for redisplaying the picture [ 0=No 1=Yes ] #( Dflt = 1 )
ScrGX = Increase the X direction of the graph by n [ 0.1 <= n <= 10 ] #( Dflt = 1 )
ScrGY = Multiply the Y direction of the graph by n [ 0.1 <= n <= 10 ] #( Dflt = 1 )
XYPtM = Number of digits for XY coordinate position display [1 ~ 15] ( position during movement ) #( Dflt = 3 )
XYPtC = Number of digits for XY coordinate position display [1 ~ 15] ( position when clicked ) #( Dflt = 2 )
WndSt = Calculation window size at startup ( Dflt = 0 )
[ 0 = Standard 1 = Minimum (icon) 2 = Maximum 3 = PctrBx maximum 4 = TxtBx maximum 5 = Reduced ]
WndXY = Aspect ratio of calculation window [ 0.25 <= n <= 5 ] ( Dflt = 0.75 )
ScrMd = Ratio of standard size to screen [ 0.2 <= n <= 5.99 ] ( Dflt = 0.55 )
SmlSz = ratio of reduced size to screen [ 0.2 <= n <= 0.99 ] ( Dflt = 0.4 )
TPSzS = TxtBx ratio during reduction [ 0.05 <= n <= 0.95 ] ( Dflt = 0.4 )
TPSz0 = TxtBx ratio at standard [ 0.05 <= n <= 0.95 ] ( Dflt = 0.4 )
TPSzL = TxtBx ratio at maximum [ 0.05 <= n <= 0.95 ] ( Dflt = 0.4 )
TPSzP = TxtBx ratio when PctrBx is maximum [ 0.05 <= n <= 0.95 ] ( Dflt = 0.15 )
TPSzT = TxtBx Ratio of TxtBx at maximum [ 0.05 <= n <= 0.95 ] ( Dflt = 0.85)
TPVSA = Vrbl TxtBx+PctrBx Size Adjust [ -15 <= n <= 15 ] ( Dflt = 15( 4 ) or 4(LinuxWine) or 3.8(AndrdWine) )
TPMSA = Max TxtBx+PctrBx Size Adjust [ -15 <= n <= 15 ] ( Dflt = 15( 4 ) or 3.7(LinuxWine) or 4.2(AndrdWine) )
TFnNm = Text font name #( Dflt = MS Mincho)
TFnSz = Text font size #( Dflt = 12 )
TFClr = Text font color ( foreground color ) #( Dflt = FF0000 (light blue) )
TBClr = Text background color #( Dflt = FFFFFF (bright white) )
TFnOt = Text font modification [1000 = Bold 100 = Italic 10 = Underline 1 = Strikeout ] #( Dflt = 0 )
PFnNm = Picture font name #( Dflt = MS Mincho )
PFnSz = Picture font size #( Dflt = 12 )
PFClr = Picture font color ( foreground color ) #( Dflt = FF0000 (light blue) )
PBClr = Picture background color #( Dflt = 808080 (gray) )
PLClr = Graph XY axis color #( Dflt = D0D0D0 (light gray) )
PXYSz = XY axis drawing line size 1 to 1000 [Pixel] #( Dflt = 1 )
PGrSz = Graph drawing line size 1 to 1000 [Pixel] #( Dflt = 1 )
PFnOt = Picture font modification [ 1000 = Bold 100 = Italic 10 = underline 1 = strikethrough ] #( Dflt= 0 )
( Example 101 ( 1000*0 + 100*1 + 10*0 + 1*1 ) [ Italic, strikethrough ]
[Printer] Print
PrUSp = Top margin [mm] ( Dflt = 15 )
PrDSp = Bottom margin [mm] ( Dflt = 20 )
PrRSp = Right margin [mm] ( Dflt = 15 )
PrLSp = Left margin [mm] ( Dflt = 15 )
PrUDf = Printer printing position error upper [ 0 ~ +-25mm ] ( Dflt = 0 )
PrLDf = Printer printing position error Left [ 0 ~ +-25mm ] ( Dflt = 0 )
PrSDf = Space adjustment from the beginning of line [ 0 ~ N mm ] N < ( paper size - margin ) ( Dflt = 10 )
PrEDf = Space adjustment to end of line [ -10 ~ N mm ] N < ( paper size - margin ) ( Dflt = 10 )
PrnDv = 2-column printing [ 1 = 1-column printing 2 = 2-column printing ] ( Dflt = 1 )
PrLNo = Line number interval ( do not print line numbers when 0 ) ( Dflt = 0 )
PrEPg = End page [ E = all pages, 1~ ] ( Dflt = E )
PrPDf = Print page [ 1 = every 1 page 2 = every 2 pages ] ( Dflt = 1 )
PrBth = Double-sided printing [ 0 = single-sided 1 = horizontal rotation 2 = vertical rotation ] ( Dflt = 1 )
PrDrc = Print direction [ 1 = Vertical 2 = Horizontal ] ( Dflt = 1 )
PrClM = color mode [ 1 = black and white 2 = color ] ( Dflt = 2 )
PrPcP = Picture print position [ 0 = Left 1 = Middle 2 = Right ] ( Dflt = 1 )
PrPUL = Start of line Left [ 0 = None 1 = File name 2 = Page 3 = Date ] ( Dflt = 2 )
PrPUC = Start of line Center [ 0 = None 1 = File name 2 = Page 3 = Date ] ( Dflt = 1 )
PrPUR = Start of line Right [ 0 = None 1 = File name 2 = Page 3 = Date ] ( Dflt = 3 )
PrPDL = End of line Left [ 0 = None 1 = File name 2 = Page 3 = Date ] ( Dflt = 0 )
PrPDC = End of line Center [ 0 = None 1 = File name 2 = Page 3 = Date ] ( Dflt = 2 )
' PrPDR = End of line Right [ 0 = None 1 = File name 2 = Page 3 = Date ] ( Dflt = 0 )
PrSUH = User defined size Height [mm] ( Dflt = 200 )
PrSUW = User defined size Width [mm] ( Dflt = 100 )
PrSCH = Custom defined size Height [mm] ( Dflt = 300 )
PrSCW = Custom defined size Width [mm] ( Dflt = 150 )
[CrPtJ] Cursor position Number of characters ( based on the first of the text )
CrsJ0 = N
CrsJ9 = N
[CrPtG] Cursor position Number of lines ( based on the first of the text )
CrsG0 = N
CrsG9 = N
[CrPtR] Cursor position Number of columns ( based on the first of the line )
CrsR0 = N
CrsR9 = N
[ExctF] Launch the Executable file
ExctFX   =   Full pass + Switch ( 0<= X <=1000 )
[File] File called
File0 = full path
File9 = full path
( %0 to %9 cannot be used )
; Comment [line break] ( when not in section [Comment] )
Items without description will have default values.
Check and set from the first line to before [Comment].
Initialized by INI file (CLC.INI) settings when starting ATCLC
Ctrl + N --> Initialize with INI file
Ctrl + I --> Edit INI file
Alt + I, P --> Program initialization ( when the program is finished ) [ Memory (N, M,X, J), Label (:L), Internal memory, Others ]
Al + I, X --> Initialize text box [ Text color, background color, font ]
Alt + F8 --> Initialize picture box [ XY axis color, background color, font ]
Alt + I, C --> RS-232C initialization [ CmSet, CmCnt ]
Shift + F11 --> Display current settings ( PctrBx )
Shift + F12 --> Display current settings ( DtTxtBx )
Alt + I, R --> Save current settings to INI file
Delete and record the section from [Main] to before [Comment].
[Main] is required to leave an indirect description of the drive letter.
[Comment] is required to leave a comment.
Operating environment
OS (Operating System) Windows ( 95, NT4(SP4) ), 2000, XP ~ 10.
PC processor Intel486 series CPU [ (486DX4), Pentium, Core2, Corei3 … ]
Display resolution 800*600, 1024*768, 1280*1024, 1600*1200, etc.
Windows 95
Memory 512MB or less ( [VCache] Max setting with memory < 512MB has no effect. )
CPU core frequency <= [ 1.8GHz ]
AT type numerical calculation software ( ATCLC, hereinafter referred to as this software ) license
A complete copy of this software without any changes is permitted.
Selling this software without permission from the author is prohibited.
Modification of this software by anyone other than the author is prohibited.
The specifications of this software are subject to change without notice.
The author assumes no responsibility for any kind of damage caused by the use of this software.
The author assumes no obligation or responsibility for correcting any inconveniences in this software.
The author assumes no obligation or responsibility for his support or aftercare of this software.
Copyright Akio Takahashi ( author )
There are no objections to the specifications of this software, and consent to the above license agreement is a condition for permission to use it.
Execute SETUP.EXE, the following file will be recorded.
Windows 2000, XP ~ 10
Windows\System(32) folder
( If a new file already exists, the recording process will not be performed. )
COMDLG32.OCX, CMDLGJP.DLL File input / output
MSHFLXGD.OCX, MSHFGJPN.DLL Grid display of data
MSCOMM32.OCX Communication ( RS-232C )
Windows folder
ST6UNST.EXE ( uninstall )
Application folder
MSCOMM32.OCX (Ver1.0) used by ATCLC.EXE is
[ MSVCRT40.DLL, MFC40LOC.DLL, MFC40.DLL ] is required.
( Dependent files are Windows files after Windows 95 (initial) )
Access2000, Windows2000, Windows XP ~ are compatible with ADO.
Editing the initialization file (CLC.INI)
The browser path for displaying *.html is
If it is not C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe, the section [Main]
HlpBP = Browser path
Delete with [ Remove/Add Application ] ( ST6UNST.EXE, ST6UNST.LOG are required )
If you delete ST6UNST.LOG first,
Run SETUP.EXE again ( in the same folder ), save ST6UNST.LOG elsewhere, and then
Delete it with [ Remove/Add Applications ], copy ST6UNST.LOG(ST6UNST.000), and then
Delete it again using [ Remove/Add Application ].
Shared files targeted for deletion due to count inspection are
Select Delete if no other application is using it.
( Files that are clearly used in systems etc. are not subject to deletion )
( If you are unsure, it is better not to delete it. )
Uninstall the already installed ATCLC and then reinstall it.
95, NT4 installation order
[1] Install DCOM95 using DCOM95.EXE and restart Windows95.
[2] Install ADO( ActiveX Data Objects ) using MDAC_TYP.EXE (Ver 2.1) and restart Windows.
[T] If MFC40.DLL is in the Windows\System folder and registered in Windows,
Install ATCLC with ATCLCF( normal ). ( No MFC40.DLL registration processing )
[U] If MFC40.DLL does not exist or is not registered,
Install ATCLC with ATCLCM40.
[1] Install SP4( SP6 ) for NT4.
[2] Install ADO( ActiveX Data Objects ) using MDAC_TYP.EXE (Ver 2.1) and restart Windows.
[3] Install ATCLC with ATCLCF( normal ) or ATCLCM40.
Abbreviations * Common words
AddPctrBx = Picture box to add a picture to his PctrBx
ANSI = American National Standards Institute *
ASC2 = American Standard Code for Information Interchange ANSI standard *
Standard character set that represents alphabetic characters in 1 byte [ 0 ~ 7 ] * [ 0 ~ 9 A ~ F ] = 128 ways
ATCLC = AT-style numerical calculation software (interpreter type) Executable file name ATCLC.EXE
BASIC = Basic programming language [interpreter type or compiler type] *
BnryM = Memory for recording binary data (0 ~ 3)
BnryM0 = Temporary recording binary memory ( when inputting an image file, etc. )
( Picture size is 200MB or less, others are within the unused range of the installed RAM memory. )
CD = Carrier Detect *
A signal line that turns ON when the modem detects a carrier wave for sending data.
Ch = Any character
ClcDr = ATCLC directory ( folder )
ClpBrd = Clipboard [ Windows temporary memory ]
COM = Component Object Model [ Microsoft ] *
( Interface technology for communication between objects )
CTS = Clear To Send *
Signal line that turns ON when the external side ( RS-232C, modem ) can receive data from the internal side ( RS-232C )
DBCS = Double Bytes Character Set *
Character set that expresses English characters in 1 byte and Japanese characters etc. in 2 bytes.
DBTxtBx = Data search text box in the database window (up to 255 characters )
DLL = Dynamic Link Library [ Common program file ] ( shared file ) *
CLC.DLL for processing programs written in ATCLC language
Dflt = Default = Predetermined settings ( default value )
DSR = Data Set Ready *
Signal line that turns ON when the external side ( RS-232C, modem ) is ready for the internal side ( RS-232C )
DTR = Data Terminal Ready *
Signal line that turns on when the internal side ( RS-232C ) is ready for the external side ( RS-232C, modem )
DtTxtBx = Data text box [ Character input/output ]
( Cannot search , display more than TxtEx )
EOF = End Of File ASC2 code indicating the end of the file ( 1A [H] 26 ) *
FldTxtBx = Field text box [ Select database column ]
HLT = Pause [ , ] (*)
InptBx = Setting value input box [ Movement amount, Others ] ( Execute --> Enter key )
( Switching between InptBx and TxtBx --> Tab key ) ( InptBx Off --> Esc key )
MsgClm = Calculation window message field [ top, middle( left, right ), bottom ( left, right ) ], Search window message field [ bottom ]
N = Any integer
n = any real number
OCX = OLE Control Extension [ Common program file ] ( ActiveX control ) *
( OLE component extended with COM technology )
OLE = Object Linking and Embedding [ Microsoft ] ( ActiveX ) *
( Inter-process communication and linked data processing technology ( inter-object communication ) )
PctrBx = Picture box [ Output of characters and graphs ]
PrFnt = Line printing [ Font settings for each line ]
PrFSE = Font change printing for specified line [ first, last setting ]
RplcTxtBx = Replacement text box in the replacement window ( up to 255 characters )
RTS = Request To Send ( Send carrier while ON when between modems ) *
The signal line is turned on by the internal side when obtaining a transmission permission to the outside side
SQL = Structured Query Language Database processing language *
SrchTxtBx = Search text box in the search window When entering directly, up to 255 characters ( alphabetic characters ).
If you select a string and press Ctrl+F, it must be within 1024 characters.
TblTxtBx = Table text box [ Select database table ]
Tmp = Temporary integer memory
tmp = temporary real memory
TxtBx = Text box [ Program description, character input/output ]
TxtM = Text memory [ Memory( 0 ~ 3 ) for recording text ]
TxtM0 = Temporary recording text memory
( When inputting a file with less than 1 million characters, error messages, etc. )
Unicode = Character set in which one character is expressed in 2 bytes ( English characters are also expressed in 2 bytes ) *
[ Windows programs after Windows95 ]
VB = VisualBasic Microsoft programming language ( generates compiled files ) *
A program part created in VB to process a program written in the ATCLC language.
X = Any Integer
x = any real number
Assembler = A program that translates assembly language into machine language *
Interpreter = A program that executes while translating a programming language into machine language *
Compiler = A program that translates a programming language into machine language *
Cursor = Caret ( position display on text box ) *
Pointer = Mouse Pointer = Mouse cursor ( position display on screen ) *
Full path = Drive name + Directory name + File name [ Directory = Folder ] (*)
Switch = File name or symbol required for the application *
[VB] = Can only be processed with VB. When starting with a DLL, return to the DLL after finishing.
[DLL] = Can only be processed by DLL
[VB, DLL] = VB or DLL
[VB, DLL+VB] = VB or DLL ( After processing with VB, return to DLL. )
Symbols not used as program code { } K O W Y
If some windows are not displayed correctly due to time-consuming calculations, reduce the OtCnt setting.
If no other applications are running and you don't care about the screen,
depending on the conditions, the processing time may be shorter if the OtCnt setting value is increased.
If automatic recording for redisplaying the graph is turned off, changing the calculation window size, etc. ,
what is drawn will disappear, but the drawing speed will become faster.
Immediately after changing the display resolution, the calculation window size is not reflected correctly.
After changing the calculation window size, it is reflected correctly.
Windows95 ~ XP dialog box ( file name when the mouse pointer is in ATCLC )
When the focus is on the input box, Shift + Tab moves the focus to the file name.
Press the key for the first alphabetic character [ 1 ~ 3 characters ] of the file name to move the focus to the corresponding file name.
Displaying each item in the description file
Select a string in the text box or place the cursor in front of the string, F1 key.
[ Netscape7.1, IE6, IE9, IE10, IE11 ]
For IE7, IE8, F1 key, F6 key, Enter key.
Deleting address list in Windows7, IE8 F4 key, Down key, Del key
If the path setting of the Windows environment variable Temp (Tmp) is incorrect when starting the application,
Depending on the application conditions, an application error may occur.
"The picture is invalid" is displayed in a message box and the application cannot be started.
In file processing, a file with no data is sometimes created when there is no file.
Make sure that the total amount of data recorded in ATCLC's memory is within the free space of the computer's main memory.
When performing repeated calculations ( loop calculations ), it takes a considerable amount of time for the process to return to Windows, so
Pressing Ctrl + Alt + Space has no effect for a while.
When ATCLC processing cannot be finished using Ctrl + Alt + Shift or Ctrl + Alt + Space
Windows95 Ctrl + Alt + Del ( emergency termination of application )
Windows 2000, XP ~ 8.1 Call the task manager with Ctrl + Alt + Del and end the process( ATCLC.EXE ).
Shortcut keys [*] Windows
F1 Help
F2 Switch from search window to calculation window (Esc)
Switching from the print window to the calculation window
Switching from database window to calculation window
Switching from calculation window to previous window
F3 Find next ( Calculation window )
F4 Replace the string at the cursor position ( when replace mode is ON )
F5 Text file display [TxFDr] ( Calculation window )
Number of strings in area ( Search/Replace window )
F6 Save text file ( overwrite without confirmation )
F7 Text file display [PrgDr]
F8 Add AddPctrBx data to PctrBx
F9 Picture box clear
F10 Alt key [*]
F11 Start calculation (VB) or cancel pause
F12 Start calculation (DLL) or cancel pause
Ctrl+F2 Switch from calculation window to database window
Ctrl+F3 [All, Front, Rear] area
Ctrl+F4 Reduce calculation window
Ctrl+F5 Calculation window standard
Ctrl+F6 Maximum calculation window
Ctrl+F7 Picture box maximum
Ctrl+F8 Max text box
Ctrl+F9 Iconize ATCLC
Ctrl+F12 Image display, resume sound playback ( Calculation window )
Ctrl+A When DtTxtBx --> TxtBx Move cursor to original position ( Calculation window )
Ctrl+A Add row (Database)
Ctrl+B Move cursor to previous search position ( Calculation window )
Ctrl+B Change binary data (Database)
Ctrl+C Copy string [*]
Ctrl+D Call database window ( Calculation window )
Ctrl+D Delete line (Database)
Ctrl+E Move the cursor to the lower limit position of the backward area search ( Calculation window )
Ctrl+E Change record (Database)
Ctrl+F Call search window [String] ( Calculation window )
Ctrl+F Field search (Database)
Ctrl+G Set column width for all columns in the first text type column with / in the last row (Database)
Ctrl+H Call replacement window ( Calculation window )
Ctrl+I Edit INI file
Ctrl+K Initializes the search number and moves the cursor to the search reference position.
Ctrl+L Compare [TxtBx, DtTxtBx]
Ctrl+L Change long text data (Database)
Ctrl+N Initialize with INI file
Ctrl+N Add N rows (Database)
Ctrl+M Delete column
Ctrl+O Initializes the search number and moves to the first search position in the target area. ( Calculation window )
Ctrl+P Print ( Calculation window )
Ctrl+P Add Column (Database)
Ctrl+Q SQL
Ctrl+R Replace mode [ON,OFF] ( Calculation window )
Ctrl+S Calculation start position
Ctrl+S Switch between Srch window and replace window ( Search/Replace window )
Ctrl+S Character search (Database)
Ctrl+T Display text memory (0 to 3) in text box ( Calculation window )
Ctrl+U Search by character on clipboard (SrchTxtBx)
Ctrl+U Search for characters on the clipboard by erasing the return code and line feed code (DBTxtBx)
( When there are more than 255 characters )
Ctrl+V Paste string [*]
Ctrl+W Standard size of calculation window (ScrMd) ( Calculation window )
Ctrl+X Copy and delete selected string. [*]
Ctrl+Z Undo text changes [*]
Ctrl+Enter Clear search and replace text box ( Search/Replace window )
Ctrl+Uarrow Move to previous text area (scroll one line) (Calculation window [DtTxtBx])
Ctrl+Darrow Move to the next text area (scroll one line)
Ctrl+Rarrow Move to right text area (scroll 1 character) (2B)
Ctrl+Larrow Move to left text area (scroll 1 character) (2B)
Shift+F1 Help [Table of Contents]
Shift+F2 Switch from calculation window to search window
Shift+F3 Case sensitive
Shift+F5 Show additional picture files
Record from ClpBrd to list [line break required] ( Srch, Rplc, DBTxtBx )
Shift+F6 Save additional picture box data (overwrite without confirmation)
Copy list [1 to 150 items] to ClpBrd ( Srch, Rplc, DBTxtBx )
Shift+F7 Display picture file (PctrBx)
Shift+F8 Save picture box data (overwrite without confirmation)
Shift+F9 Clear additional picture box
Delete all items in list ( Srch, Rplc, DBTxtBx )
Shift+F11 Display current settings (PctrBx)
Shift+F12 Display current settings (DtTxtBx)
Shift+Del Delete list item (Srch, Rplc, DBTxtBx)
Shift+Ctrl+F2 Same as Ctrl+F2
Shift+Ctrl+F3 Same as Ctrl+F3
Shift+Ctrl+F4 Same as Ctrl+F4
Shift+Ctrl+F5 Same as Ctrl+F5
Shift+Ctrl+F6 Same as Ctrl+F6
Shift+Ctrl+F7 Same as Ctrl+F7
Shift+Ctrl+F8 Same as Ctrl+F8
Shift+Ctrl+F9 Same as Ctrl+F9
Shift+Ctrl+B Internally display binary memory (0 to 3) ( Calculation window )
Shift+Ctrl+C Modem command mode
Shift+Ctrl+D Modem data mode
Shift+Ctrl+L Display list of file paths in TxtBx
Display standard files in the same directory
Shift+Ctrl+O External display of binary memory (0 to 3) ( Calculation window )
Shift+Ctrl+R Record the number of identical data in a column in another column (Database)
Shift+Ctrl+T Connect the column data of each row and record it in a separate column
Shift+Ctrl+0 Cancel reception
Shift+Ctrl+Space Exit RS-232C
Legacy internal media player *.AVI when the focus is on ATCLC.
Shift+Ctrl+E Stop
Shift+Ctrl+F File selection (*.WAV, *.WMA, *.AVI, etc.) (record data to BnryM0)
Shift+Ctrl+P Pause (*.WAV, *.WMA, *.AVI)
Shift+Ctrl+S Play (*.CDA cannot be played. Old standard AVI can be played on Windows XP, new standard AVI cannot be played.
WAV files that have been specially compressed cannot be played. )
Esc Pause the program in the middle [Tm pauses (counting continues)]
Ctrl+Alt+Shift End the program prematurely (Tm OFF)
Ctrl+Alt+Space Emergency end of ATCLC processing
Ctrl+Alt+Del Emergency termination of ATCLC [*]
Alt+F2 Switch from calculation window to print window
Alt+F4 Exit the application (ATCLC) [*]
Alt+F5 Redisplay additional picture file data
Alt+F8 Initialize picture box
Alt+F9 Erase picture memory
Alt+F10 Coordinate input OFF
Alt+F11 XY coordinate input ON
Alt+F12 XYZ coordinate input ON
Alt+A Cursor movement [Page] InptBx ( Calculation window )
Alt+B Binary transmission (RS-232C)
Alt+C Add return code (CR) to search text box ( Search/Replace window)
Alt+C Cursor movement [number of characters, number of lines, number of columns] CrsMv ( Calculation window )
Alt+D Show/hide DtTxtBx
Alt+F Add a line break before the string in the search text box ( Search/Replace window )
Alt+J Cursor movement [Number of characters] InptBx ( Calculation window )
Alt+K Record the current cursor position as the search reference position ( Calculation window )
Alt+L Cursor movement [number of lines] InptBx ( Calculation window )
Alt+K Enter line break (CR+LF) in the search text box ( Search/Replace window )
Alt+L Add line feed code (LF) to the search text box ( Search/Replace window )
Alt+M Send modem command (RS-232C)
Alt+N Compare next line [TxtBx, DtTxtBx]
Alt+Q Preparation for encrypted communication ( [ Enter )
Alt+R Add a line break after the string in the search text box ( Search/Replace window )
Alt+S Text transmission (RS-232C) ( Calculation window )
Alt+T Add tab (Tb) to search text box ( Search/Replace window )
Alt+V Enter the return code + return code in the search text box
Alt+W Aspect ratio of calculation window (WndXY) ( Calculation window )
Alt+X Exchange text of DtTxtBx and TxtBx ( Calculation window )
Alt+W Enter the line feed code + line feed code in the search text box ( Search/Replace window )
Alt+X Exchange search string and replacement string (Replace window)
Alt+Y Record the current cursor position as the lower limit of the area for backward area search ( Calculation window )
Alt+Z Set the elapsed time from the start of the program to 0
Alt+O Move additional picture to center of coordinates ( Calculation window )
Alt+Uarrow Move additional picture up
Alt+Darrow Move additional picture down
Alt+Rarrow Move additional picture to the right
Alt+Larrow Move additional picture to the left
When no additional pictures are displayed
Alt+Uarrow Move to previous text area (scroll one line) (Calculation window [TxtBx])
Alt+Darrow Move to next text area (scroll one line)
Alt+Rarrow Move to the right text area (scroll 1 character) (2B)
Alt+Larrow Move to left text area (scroll 1 character) (2B)
Alt+Home Display the previous page (TxtEx character -) (cursor is on the first line)
Alt+End Display the last page
Alt+PageUp Display previous page (TxtEx character -)
Alt+PageDown Display next page (TxtEx character -)
Alt+Shift+Home Display the previous page (TxtEx character -) (Cursor is on the last line)
Alt+Shift+End Show last page
Alt+Shift+PageUp Display previous page (TxtEx character-)
Alt+Shift+PageDown Display next page (TxtEx character -)
Alt+Shift+A Replace all (Replacement window)
Alt+Shift+E All return codes --> Replacement string + return code
Alt+Shift+S All line feed codes --> Line feed code + replacement string
Alt+Shift+L XY axis, graph drawing line size InptBx #PXYSz, #PGrSz
Alt+Shift+C Delete additional picture area left, bottom, top, right InptBx
Alt+Shift+M Additional picture movement amount 1 to 100 [Pixel] InptBx
Alt+Shift+X Additional picture reduction/enlargement *0.01 to *10 InptBx
Alt+Shift+Z All Timer OFF (Td, Tw, Tm)
Alt+Shift+V Pointer movement 1 to 200 [Pixel] InptBx
Alt+Shift+O Move pointer to coordinate origin (0,0)
Alt+Shift+Uarrow Move pointer up
Alt+Shift+Darrow Move pointer down
Alt+Shift+Rarrow Move pointer to the right
Alt+Shift+Larrow Move pointer to the left
PctrBx Left click Display the coordinates of the pointer in the message field (lower right) (Position display ON)
Shift+PctrBx left click Turn position display ON, OFF
Ctrl+PctrBx Left click Display the pointer coordinates in the picture box (position display ON)
PctrBx Right click Display picture file data in the message field (lower right)
Ctrl+PctrBx right click Display picture box data in message field (bottom right)
AddPctrBx Right click Display additional picture file data in the message field (bottom right)
Ctrl+AddPctrBx Right click Display additional picture box data in the message field (lower right)
TxtBx Left click Show character count, row, column, page
TxtBx Center button + horizontal mouse movement Horizontal scroll
Ctrl+Shift+TxtBx left click Size ratio (TxtBx: PctrBx)
Alt+TxtBx Left click Display the characters in the message field (above) in the message box
Shift+Ctrl+DtTxtBx Left click Delete text in DtTxtBx
Left click on MsgClm (middle right) Display file name, TFnSz, TFClr
Left click on MsgClm (bottom right) Display file name (PctrBx, AddPctrBx), PFnSz, PFClr
Ctrl+left click on MsgClm (middle left) Delete "Changes" display
Left click on Shift+MsgClm (middle left) Record cursor position [0 to 9]
Alt+n Record cursor position in memory (0 <= n <= 9) ( Calculation window )
Ctrl+n Move the cursor to the memory location (0 <= n <= 9) ( )
Left click on Alt+MsgClm (middle, bottom, search, print) Display the characters in the message field in the message box
(Enter key or Esc key --> Delete message box)
Database (grid display)
Alt+Uarrow Move to previous area (scroll one line)
Alt+Darrow Move to next area (scroll one line)
Alt+Rarrow Move to right area (scroll 1 column)
Alt+Larrow Move to left area (scroll 1 column)
Ctrl+Uarrow Move to the front area
Ctrl+Darrow Move to last area
Center button + mouse vertical and horizontal movement Vertical and horizontal scrolling
Ctrl+left click on cell Display text, picture, sound, video
Shift+left click on cell Display images (BMP, JPG, GIF) continuously on PctrBx
Ctrl+right click on cell Play sound (WAV, WMA) continuously
A, a
A Power of 10 (Power) a Inverse trigonometric function [VB, DLL]
X(tmp) A --> 10^X [ |X| <= 308 (VB), -4931 <= X <= +4932 (DLL) ]
x(tmp) as --> arcsin x x asd --> arcsin x [Deg]
x(tmp) ac --> arccos x x acd --> arccos x [Deg]
x(tmp) at --> arctan x x atd --> arctan x [Deg]
( d = degree )
B, b
B Power of 2 b Binary input [VB, DLL]
X(tmp) B --> 2^X [ |X| <= 1023 (VB), |X| <= 16380 (DLL) ]
x(tmp) Bf --> 2^x [ |x| <= 0.5 ] [DLL] (Bf = B in VB)
b X --> Input in binary [ b0 to b1111… ] Recorded in temporary real number memory
DLL [ When 0 to +2147483647, also recorded in temporary integer memory ] (all positive numbers)
VB [ -2147483648 to +2147483647 Also recorded in temporary integer memory ]
C, c
C Call c cos (cosine) [VB, DLL]
CX --> Call X ( X = N, MA, NB, XC ) [ Up to 100 weights ]
Process [ : LX --> R ] and return to the next position of CX
( 0<= N <=10000, 0<= A <=20050, 0<= B <=2050, 0<= C< =1050 )
x(tmp) c --> cos x
x(tmp) cd --> cos x [Deg]
D, d
D squared d 1/x [VB, DLL]
x(tmp) D --> x^2
x(tmp) d --> x^-1
E, e
E End or Exponent e Natural logarithm base [VB, DLL]
E --> End of program
E followed by a power exponent
x(tmp) E +- X --> x * 10^ +- X
( |X| <= 308 (VB), -4931 <= X <= +4932 (DLL) )
e --> Record the natural logarithm base in temporary real memory
( DLL 2.7182 81828 45904 5235 VB 2.7182 81828 45905 )
F, f
F Fraction [VB, DLL]
x(tmp) F --> Record the decimal part of x in temporary real memory
x(tmp) Fq --> Round the decimal part of x to 9 digits and record it in temporary real number memory
x(tmp) Ff --> Round the decimal part of x to 15 digits and record it in temporary real number memory [DLL]
( When using VB, Ff = F )
[DLL] |x| < 10^18 (0 if the integer part has more than 18 digits)
[VB] |x| < 10^14 (0 if the integer part has more than 14 digits)
Round x in advance ( x may have an error and the integer part is less than 1. Example 7.999... ) Q, q
G, g
G GOTO [VB, DLL] g Graph [VB, DLL+VB]
GX --> GOTO X ( X = N, MA, NB, XC ) Process Start position :L X
( 0<= N <= 10000, 0<= A <=20050, 0<= B <=2050, 0<= C <=1050 )
gS --> Graph start (x, y)
gSL --> Graph start (x, y) [ Draw XY axis ]
gs --> Graph start (x, y, z)
gsL --> Graph start (x, y, z) [ Draw XYZ axes ]
gP --> Graph drawing (x, y)
gp --> Graph drawing (x, y, z)
n(tmp) gx --> x = n
n(tmp) gy --> y = n
n(tmp) gz --> z = n
gX --> tmp = x
gY --> tmp = y
gZ --> tmp = z
n(tmp) gLx --> X-axis range = n
n(tmp) gLy --> Y-axis range = n
n(tmp) gLz --> Z-axis range = n
gLX --> tmp = X-axis range [ Dflt = 1 ]
gLYV --> tmp = Y-axis range [ Dflt = 1 ]
gLZ --> tmp = Z-axis range [ Dflt = 1 ]
X(tmp) gLc --> XY axis 16M color = X [ XY axis color = PLClr ]
X(tmp) gLC --> XY axis 16 colors = X
X(tmp) gc --> Drawing 16M color = X [ Drawing color = PFClr ]
X(tmp) gC --> Drawing 16 colors = X
X(tmp) gJ --> Display string J(X) at (x, y) PJ
gE --> End of graph
Coordinate rotation ( when gs, gsL )
n(tmp) gRx --> X-axis rotation = n (YZ coordinate forward) 0 to +-90 [Deg]
n(tmp) gRy --> Y-axis rotation = n (XZ coordinate vertical) 0 to +-90 [Deg]
n(tmp) gRz --> Z-axis rotation = n (XY coordinate horizontal) 0 to +-90 [Deg]
gRX --> tmp = X-axis rotation [ Dflt = 0 ]
gRY --> tmp = Y-axis rotation [ Dflt = 0 ]
gRZ --> tmp = Z-axis rotation [ Dflt = 0 ]
gP, gp, gJ are used between gS[gSL,gs,gsL] and gE
When starting from DLL, between gS[gSL,gs,gsL] and gE,
Codes J, j, T, V, #, %, P cannot be used.
C(Call), G(GOTO) outside gS[gSL,gs,gsL] ~ gE cannot be used
16 colors
0 black 1 blue 2 green 3 cyan 4 red 5 magenta 6 brown 7 white 8 gray
Bright [ 9 Blue 10 Green 11 Cyan 12 Red 13 Magenta 14 Yellow 15 White ]
16M color h [1] [2] [3]
[1] [2] [3]
Black 00 00 00 ( h0 )
Blue FF 00 00
Green 00 FF 00 (hFF00)
Cyan FF FF 00
Red 00 00 FF (hFF)
Magenta FF 00 FF
Yellow 00 FF FF (hFFFF)
White FF FF FF
( Example hFFFF00 gc )
Return to the original state using Initialize (Initialize Picture Box) in the menu.
H, h
h Hexadecimal decimal, Hyperbolic Function [VB, DLL]
hX --> Input in hexadecimal [ h0 to hFFFF… ] (A to F uppercase) Record in temporary real number memory
DLL [ When 0 to +2147483647, also recorded in temporary integer memory ] (all positive numbers)
VB [ When -2147483648 to +2147483647 Also recorded in temporary integer memory ]
Hyperbolic function
x(tmp) hs --> sinh x [ x < 709.7 [VB] x < 11356 [DLL] ]
x(tmp) hc --> cosh x [ x < 709.7 [VB] x < 11356 [DLL] ]
x(tmp) ht --> tanh x [ x < 709.7 [VB] x < 11356 [DLL] ]
hsd, hcd, htd --> sinh, cosh, tanh [Deg]
x(tmp) has --> arcsinh x
x(tmp) hac --> arccosh x [ 1 <= x ]
x(tmp) hat --> arctanh x [ x^2 < 1 ]
hasd, hacd, hatd --> arcsinh, arccosh, arctanh [Deg]
I, i
I Integer [VB, DLL]
x(tmp) I --> Record the integer part of x in temporary real memory
-2147483648 to +2147483647 Also recorded in temporary integer memory =
[DLL] |x| < 10^18 (same as x when the integer part has more than 18 digits)
[VB] |x| < 10^14 (same as x when the integer part has more than 14 digits)
Round x in advance ( x may have an error and the integer part is less than 1. Example 7.999... ) Q, q
J, j
J, j Character memory [VB, DLL+VB]
_J_, _j_ [ blank or line break ] J memory (0 to 22000)
J0~J9 < 1GB (actually 10MB) J10~J22000 <= TxtEx [characters]
X J' --> J(X) Display in the picture box
X J" --> J(X) Display in the data text box
X J` --> J(X) Display in the message field (middle right)
X JA --> J(X) Convert the first character to DBCS code (decimal number) and record it in temporary real number (integer) memory
X JU --> J(X) Convert the first character to Unicode (decimal number) and record it in temporary real number (integer) memory
X JB --> J(X) Record the number of bytes (DBCS) of in temporary real number (integer) memory
X JC --> J(X) Record the number of characters in temporary real number (integer) memory
X JCb --> J(X) Copy to clipboard
X JD --> J(X) Record in DtTxtBx (overwrite)
X JL --> J(X) Record the total number of line breaks (CR+LF) in temporary real number (integer) memory
X1 JM(N)X2 --> J(X1) numerically convert and record it in M( X2 or NX2 )
X1 JN(N)X2 --> J(X1) numerically convert and record it in N( X2 or NX2 )
X1 J#(N)X2 --> J(X1) Record the character string in TxtM( X2 or NX2 )(1~3)
X1 J&(N)X2 --> J(X1) Add the string to TxtM( X2 or NX2 )(1~3)
(N)X = X or NX N = N memory
X1 JE(N)X2 --> When J(X1) = J(X2orNX2), record 0 in temporary real number (integer) memory
When J(X1) <> J(X2orNX2), record 1 in temporary real number (integer) memory
(JE is case-insensitive, Je is case-sensitive.)
X1 JF(N)X2 --> Record the total number of character strings [J(X2orNX2)] in J(X1) in temporary real number (integer) memory
(0 if none, case insensitive if JF, case sensitive if Jf)
X1 JP(N)X2 --> Record the first position of the string [J(X2orNX2)] in J(X1) in temporary real number (integer) memory
(0 if none, case insensitive if JP, case sensitive if JP.)
X1 JR(N)X2,(N)X3,(N)X4 --> Convert the string [J(X3orNX3)] in J(X2orNX2) to the string [J(X4orNX4)]
Replaced with and recorded in J(X1).
(JR is case-insensitive, Jr is case-sensitive.)
X1 JR(N)X2,(N)X3,(N)X4 --> Select part of the string of J(X2orNX2) and record it in J(X1)
X3orNX3 Start position (1 if less than 1)
X4orNX4 number of characters (If less than 1, if omitted, from start to end.)
X1 JJ[SsCcL](N)X2,(N)X3,(N)X4 --> Record each character string in J(X1) in character memory. ((N)X3<=(N)X4)
The total number of delimiters is recorded starting from the string at position (N)X2. Delimiter characters [space (S, s), comma (C, c), line break (L)]
(When S,C, the data does not include a line break. When s,c, the data includes a line break.)
Record 0 in temporary real number (integer) memory before execution.
When the character string reaches the end before (N)X4, record the memory number in temporary real number (integer) memory.
Example 11n1 12n2 3j[ABC DEF]
3JJS1,1,2 E --> J1 = ABC J2 = DEF 3JJS1,N1,N2 E --> J11 = ABC J12 = DEF
X1 JU[SC][MN](N)X2,(N)X3,(N)X4 --> Record each numerical sequence in J(X1) in integer memory (M) and real number memory (N).
((N)X3<=(N)X4) U
Record the sum of delimiters starting from the numeric string at position (N)X2. Delimiter character [blank(S), comma(C)]
Record 0 in temporary real number (integer) memory before execution.
When the character string reaches the end before (N)X4, record the memory number in temporary real number (integer) memory.
Example 3j[12345 67890] 3JUSM1,1,2 E --> M1 = 12345 M2 = 67890
X j;String [line break] --> Record the string in J(X) ;
X j[String] --> Record the string in J(X) Cannot include :L :: :E ; Japanese characters ( 2[B] )
X j[string]+ --> Add string to J(X) Cannot include :L :: :E ; Japanese characters ( 2[B] )
X j] --> Record ] in J(X)
X j]+ --> Add ] to J(X)
X1 j# (N)
X1 j&(N)X2 --> Add the string TxtM(X2orNX2)(0-3) to J(X1)
X jCb --> Record the clipboard text to J(X)
X jCb+ --> Add text from clipboard to J(X)
X jD --> Record the string DtTxtBx in J(X)
X jD+ --> Add the string DtTxtBx to J(X)
X jL --> Record line feed code (LF) in J(X)
X jL+ --> Add line feed code (LF) to J(X)
X jR --> Record the return code (CR) in J(X)
X jR+ --> Add return code (CR) to J(X)
X jRL --> Record line break (CR+LF)(0D0A[H]) in J(X)
X jRL+ --> Add line break (CR+LF)(0D0A[H]) to J(X)
X jS --> Record a blank in J(X)
X jS+ --> Add blank to J(X)
X jSJ --> Record a blank (Japanese character) in J(X)
X jSJ+ --> Add blank (Japanese characters) to J(X)
X jSc --> Record a semicolon in J(X)
X jSc+ --> Add semicolon to J(X)
X jT --> Record tab in J(X)
X jT+ --> Add tab to J(X)
X jZ --> Delete the data of J(X)
X1 jA(N)X2 --> J(X1) = J(X2orNX2) Convert string to DBCS code
X1 ja(N)X2 --> J(X1) = J(X2orNX2) Convert DBCS code to string
X1 jU(N)X2 --> J(X1) = J(X2orNX2) Convert string to Unicode
X1 ju(N)X2 --> J(X1) = J(X2orNX2) Convert Unicode to string
X1 jO(N)X2 --> J(X1) = J(X2orNX2) Convert the first character of each string to uppercase
X1 jJ(N)X2 --> J(X1) = J(X2orNX2) Convert string to uppercase
X1 jj(N)X2 --> J(X1) = J(X2orNX2) Convert string to lowercase
X1 jH(N)X2 --> J(X1) = J(X2orNX2) Convert Katakana to Hiragana
X1 jK(N)X2 --> J(X1) = J(X2orNX2) Convert Hiragana to katakana
X1 jB(N)X2 --> J(X1) = J(X2orNX2) Convert full-width characters to half-width characters
X1 jW(N)X2 --> J(X1) = J(X2orNX2) Convert half-width characters to full-width characters
X1 jb(N)X2 --> J(X1) = J(X2orNX2) Convert binary number and then to character ( N(X2orNX2) = integer )
X1 jh(N)X2 --> J(X1) = J(X2orNX2) Convert hexadecimal and then to character ( N(X2orNX2) = integer )
X1 jd(N)X2 --> J(X1) = J(X2orNX2) Convert a character using the expression ` ' " ( |N(X)| <= 10^50 )
X1 jt(N)X2 --> J(X1) = J(X2orNX2) Convert a character using the expression h h s ( |N(X)| <= 10^50 )
X1 jM(N)X2 --> J(X1) = M(X2orNX2) Convert to character
X1 jN(N)X2 --> J(X1) = N(X2orNX2) Convert to character
X1 j=(N)X2 --> J(X1) = J(X2orNX2)
X1 j+(N)X2,(N)X3 --> J(X1) = J(X2orNX2)+J(X3orNX3)
X1 j+(N)X2,(N)X3,(N)X4 --> J(X1) = J(X2orNX2)+J(X3orNX3)+J(X4orNX4)
X1 j+(N)X2,(N)X3,(N)X4,(N)X5 --> J(X1) = J(X2orNX2)+J(X3orNX3)+J(X4orNX4)+J(X5orNX5)
K, k
L, l
L Loop repeated calculation l log [VB, DLL]
x(tmp) L M[][I,D,*][1~9 or _Ch_] --> When x = M[ ], execute from Ch
x(tmp) L N[][I,D,*][1~9 or _Ch_] --> When x = N[ ], execute from Ch
x(tmp) L X[][I,D,*][1~9 or _Ch_] --> When x = X[ ], execute from Ch
M[] = M[A,MA,NB,XC], N[] = N[B,MA,NB,XC], X[] = X[C,MA,NB,XC]
0<= A <=20050, 0<= B <=2050, 0<= C <=1050
Number of characters in Ch (code) --> 1 to 9 * 10 [characters] or From after _ to before _
(_Ch_ takes longer than 1 to 9 because it searches until the next _)]
If the comparison result is x <> [M,N,X][], execute from Ch after addition.
I --> [M,N,X][] = [M,N,X][]+1
D --> [M,N,X][] = [M,N,X][]-1
* --> [M,N,X][] = [M,N,X][]+[M0,N0,X0]
0n5 1m1 :L1 M1 ni5 100 LM1I_G1_E [End when M1=100 ( N5=5050 )]
1x2 0n5 100mX2 :L1 MX2 ni5 1 LMX2D1 G1 E[ End when M1=1 ( N5=5050 ) ]
x(tmp) [ la, lb, le ] --> logx 0
M, m
M,m Memory(Integer) Integer memory [VB, DLL]
M memory (0 to 20050) 9 significant figures
M[A,MA,NB,XC] --> Record the contents of memory [] in temporary [integer, real number] memory
MI[A,MA,NB,XC] --> Add 1 to M[]
MD[A,MA,NB,XC] --> Add 1 to M[] -
Tmp m[A,MA,NB,XC] --> Record Tmp in memory []
Tmp mC[A,MA,NB,XC] --> Record the contents of memory [] in temporary [integer, real number] memory, and record Tmp in memory [].
Tmp mi[A,MA,NB,XC] --> Add Tmp to memory [] +
Tmp md[A,MA,NB,XC] --> Tmp in memory [] -
( Tmp = temporary integer memory 0<= A <=20050, 0<= B <=2050, 0<= C <=1050 )
(M memory is common to VB and DLL)
N, n
N, n (Real number) Double precision real number memory [VB, DLL]
N memory (0 to 2050) 15 significant figures
N[B,MA,NB,XC] --> Record the contents of memory [] in temporary real number memory
NI[B,MA,NB,XC] --> Add 1 to N[]
ND[B,MA,NB,XC] --> Add 1 to N[] -
tmp n[B,MA,NB,XC] --> Record tmp in memory []
tmp nC[B,MA,NB,XC] --> Record the contents of memory [] in temporary real memory, and record tmp in memory [].
tmp ni[B,MA,NB,XC] --> Add tmp to memory [] +
tmp nd[B,MA,NB,XC] --> tmp in memory [] -
( tmp = temporary real memory 0<= A <=20050, 0<= B <=2050, 0<= C <=1050 )
( N memory is common to VB and DLL ) X memory
O, o
P, p
P (Showing) Display [VB, DLL+VB] p Pi(π) [VB, DLL]
X1(tmp) P [X2] * [Ch] --> Display memory ( X1 to X1+X2 - 1 ) in the picture box
[X2] = X, MX, NX
[Ch] = N ( Real number memory 0 to 2050 (8B) [VB,DLL] ) M ( Integer memory 0 to 20050 (4B) [VB,DLL] )
x ( Real number memory 0 to 1050 (8B) [VB] )
X ( Real number memory 0 to 1050 (10B) [DLL] (2700*4/10) Binary number representation (Hexadecimal number representation) )
J ( Character memory 0~22000 [VB] ) A ( Executable file 0~1000 [VB] )
S ( text (character) Area [ 1 --> :E ] X1 --> X1+X2 - 1 [characters] )
VB internal memory
[Ch] = c ( Call 0~100 (4B) ) l ( Lbl 0~10000 (4B) )
t ( Text (Unicode) Area [ 1 --> :E ] X1 --> X1+X2 - 1 [characters] )
DLL internal memory
[Ch] = D ( Data memory 0-200 (4B)) I ( Integer memory 0-200 (4B) )
C ( Call 0~100 (4B)) L ( Lbl 0~10000 (4B) )
E ( Error 0~200 (4B) )
F ( Real number memory 0 to 2000 (10B) (5010*4/10) Binary number representation (Hexadecimal number representation) )
M ( Integer memory 20051 to 24000 (4B) )
T ( Text (Unicode lower memory) + 100 0 to end of program area (1B) )
G ( Text (Unicode lower memory) ([gSL,gs,gsL] ~ gE) + 100 0 ~ (1B) )
You don't have to click Program [Save data to file] on the menu.
If the execution time is 100 seconds or more, save the data to a file ( TmpDr\MmDtTmp.TXT )
( Data from X1 P[X2]*[Ch] ) MDtRc
X1(tmp) PX2;String [line break] --> Display the string in column X1 and row X2 of the picture box
X1(tmp) PX2JX --> Display J(X) in column X1 and row X2 of the picture box
X1, X2 = 0 to 99 (Color[gc,gC])
X(tmp) PJ --> Display J(X) at position (x,y) in the picture box g(graph)
p --> Record pi in temporary real number memory
( DLL 3.1415 92653 58979 3238 VB 3.1415 92653 58979 )
Q, q
Q, q (Quality) Significant figure [VB, DLL]
x(tmp) QN --> Set the significant digits of x to N digits ( Round to the N+1st digit. For X.5, round to the even number side )
[VB] N = 1 to 9, A to E ( A=10, E=14 )
[DLL] N = 1 to 9, A to I ( A=10, I=18 I is likely to cause errors )
( Nth digit error = +-1 )
x(tmp) qN --> Set the significant figures of x to N digits ( round off N+1 digit )
[VB] N = 1 to 9, A to E
[DLL] N = 1 to 9, A to I ( I is prone to errors )
( Nth digit error = +-1 It takes more time than Q )
R, r
R Return r Root(square root) [VB, DLL]
R --> Return Return to next position of Call
x(tmp) r --> √x 0 <= x
S, s
s sin (sine) [VB, DLL]
x(tmp) s --> sin x
x(tmp) sd --> sin x [Deg]
T, t
T Timer [VB, DLL+VB] t tan (tangent) [VB, DLL]
T … %Ch [blank or , or line break]
Tm timer 0 <= x <= 2147483 [sec]
x(tmp) T*, Pause the program for x seconds.
x(tmp) T%Ch Execute Ch after x seconds.
Tw timer [ Execute on day of the week ]
Tw Wk Hr:Mn %Ch Execute Ch at Wk day of day Hr hour Mn minute.
TW Wk Hr:Mn %Ch Execute Ch when Hr hours Mn minutes or Hr hours Mn minutes have passed.
Wk [ 1 (Sun), 2 (Mon), 3 (Tue), 4 (Wed), 5 (Thu), 6 (Fri), 7 (Sat), 0 (Sun - Sat) ]
Td timer [ Execute by month and day ]
Td Mh/Dy Hr:Mn %Ch Ch is executed at Mh month Dy day Hr hour Mn minute.
TD Mh/Dy Hr:Mn %Ch Execute Ch when Hr hour Mn minute or Hr hour Mn minute has passed.
3T*, G1 After 3 seconds, execute G1.
5T%A70 E Execute the ExctF70 application after 5 seconds.
Tw 0 21:30 %JFL1Tx [Line break] ABC.TXT is displayed in TxtBx every day at 21:30. ( J1=C:\D\ABC.TXT 0# )
Td 1/2 3:4 %JFL1Pc [Line break] Displayed Pctr.BMP at 3:04 on January 2nd. ( J1=C:\D\Pctr.BMP 3# )
When the timer ends, cancel the pause (,) and execute the next step.
[T%,Td,Tw] If there is no pause (,), the next step will be executed even if the timer does not end.
T% time is not detected while the program is processing (other than when it is paused).
While the program is processing (other than when it is paused),
When the timer (Td, Tw) is reached, %Ch is not processed.
While the program is processing, Esc --> Tm Pause
While processing the program Ctrl+Alt+Shift --> Tm OFF
Left-click on the label (Tm) --> Display settings and remaining time ( Left-click again --> Hide )
Left click on label (Td, Tw) --> Show settings
Ctrl + left click on label Tm --> Tm OFF
Ctrl + left click on label Td --> Td OFF
Ctrl + left click on label Tw --> Tw OFF
Alt+Shift+Z --> All Timer (Tm, Td, Tw) OFF
ATCLC End --> All Timer (Td, Tw, Tm) OFF
ATCLC iconization --> Same as standard
x(tmp) t --> tan x
x(tmp) td --> tan x [Deg]
U, u
U (Integer record) Integer record [VB, DLL] u (Programcord copy) Code copy [DLL]
X(tmp) U StrtMemoryNo MemoryNm EndMemoryNo MemoryNm = M, m, N, n, X, x
Record the integer sequence after :L(X) in integer memory and real number memory.
M --> M(St) ~ M(End) m --> M[N(St)] ~ M[N(End)]
N --> N(St) ~ N(End) n --> N[N(St)] ~ N[N(End)]
X --> X(St) ~ X(End) x --> X[N(St)] ~ X[N(End)]
Example 3U1M2 E :L3 12345 67890 --> M1 = 12345 M2 = 67890
X(tmp) u;Ch [Line break] --> Copy Ch(code ) after :L(X)
( When copying, an error will occur if it goes beyond the end of the text )
V, v
V Multi-digit calculation [DLL]
V+, V-, V*, V/, VZ, VC, Vz, Vc
M50 = Number of memories (N) 1<= N <=1250 + Dffrnc ( <=1500 ) ( digit = N*8 ( 8 to 10000 digits ) )
M(X-N) … M(X-2) M(X-1) M(X)
[ (N+1) * 8 digits to (N+1) * 8 - 7 digits ] … [ 24 digits to 17 digits ] [ 16 digits to 9 digits ] [ 8 digits to 1 digit ]
100<= (X-N) ( [ 8 digits to 1 digit ] has an error )
V+ M ( M41 - M50 + 1 to M41 ) + M ( M42 - M50 + 1 to M42 ) --> M ( M43 - M50 + 1 to M43 )
( Memory used = M0 )
V- M ( M45 - M50 + 1 to M45 ) - M ( M46 - M50 + 1 to M46 ) --> M ( M47 - M50 + 1 to M47 )
( Memory used = M0 )
V* M ( M51-M50 + 1 to M51) * M ( M54 to M52 ) --> M ( M53 - M50 * 2 + 1 to M53 ) M52 - M50 <= M54 <= M52
( Memory used = M0, temporary [integer, real number] memory )
V/ M ( M55 - M50 + 1 to M55) / M ( M56 - M50 + 1 to M56 ) --> M ( M57 - M50 + 1 to M57 ) [ Remainder = 0 --> M0 = 0 ]
( Memory used = M0, temporary [integer, real number] memory )
VC copy [ M(M71) ~ M(M72) ] --> [ M(M73) ~ M(M73+M72-M71) ]
VZ erase [ M(M75) ~ M(M76) ] --> 0
Vc copy [ N(M81) ~ N(M82) ] --> [ N(M83) ~ N(M83+M82-M81) ]
Vz erase [ N(M85) ~ N(M86) ] --> 0
( No key operation detected during V code processing )
W, w
X, x
X, x ( Real number ) Extended precision real number memory [DLL] Double precision real number memory [VB]
X memory (0 to 1050) DLL significant figures 19 digits VB significant figures 15 digits
X [C, MA, NB, XC] --> tmp = X[ ]
XI [C, MA, NB, XC] --> X [ ] = X [ ] + 1
XD [C, MA, NB, XC] --> X [ ] = X [ ] - 1
tmp x [C, MA, NB, XC] --> X[ ] = tmp
tmp xC [C, MA, NB, XC] --> tmp = X[ ] & X[ ] = tmp
tmp xi [C, MA, NB, XC] --> X [ ] = X [ ] + tmp
tmp xd [C, MA, NB, XC] --> X [ ] = X [ ] - tmp
( tmp = temporary real memory 0<= A <=20050, 0<= B <=2050, 0<= C <=1050 )
( X memory is separate memory for VB and DLL ) N memory
Y, y
Z, z
Z, z (Condition jump) Numerical branch [VB, DLL]
x(tmp) Z [ =, <, >, <=, >= ] [ 1~9 or _Ch_ ] --> 0 [ = x, < x, > x, <= x, >= x ]
x(tmp) zM [] [ =, <, >, <=, >= ] [ 1~9 or _Ch_ ] --> M [] [ = x, < x, > x, <= x, >= x ]
x(tmp) zN [] [ =, <, >, <=, >= ] [ 1~9 or _Ch_ ] --> N [] [ = x, < x, > x, <= x, >= x ]
x(tmp) zX [] [ =, <, >, <=, >= ] [ 1~9 or _Ch_ ] --> X [] [ = x, < x, > x, <= x, >= x ]
If the condition is met, execute from the beginning of Ch; if it is not a condition, execute from the beginning of Ch.
M[ ] = M [A, MA, NB, XC ], N [ ] = N [B, MA, NB, XC ], X [ ] = X [ C, MA, NB, XC ]
0<= A <=20050, 0<= B <=2050, 0<= C <=1050
Number of characters in Ch (code) = [1 to 9] * 10 characters or [ from after _ to before _ ]
100 zN10=_N5_n15 [ When N10=100, N15=N5, When N10 <> 100, N15=100 ]
10 x7 100 zNX7<=1 G5 n15 [ When N10 <= 100 GOTO5, When N10 >100 N15=100 ]
0 to 9. [VB, DLL]
. --> Decimal point Example 0.5 ( If 0 is omitted, temporary real number memory + 0.5 )
Temporary real number memory (tmp), internal real number memory, X memory
DLL 19 significant digits [ 3.37 * 10 ^ - 4932 <= x <= 1.18 * 10 ^ + 4932 ] ( Extended precision real number )
VB 15 significant digits [ 2.23 * 10 ^ - 308 <= x <= 1.79 * 10 ^ + 308 ] ( Double precision real number )
N memory
DLL, VB 15 significant digits ( Double precision real number )
Temporary integer memory(Tmp), Internal integer memory, M memory
DLL, VB 9 significant digits [ -2147483648 <= X <= +2147483647 ]
Numeric value input
Values are recorded in temporary real number memory
[ When -2147483648 <= x <= 2147483647, also recorded in temporary integer memory ]
Example DLL 1.234567890123456789 E+500 VB 1.23456789012345 E+50
Example 123456789.5123456789
tmp(DLL) = 123456789.5123456789
tmp(VB) = 123456789.512346
Tmp = 123456789
[ tmp(DLL) n1 ( N1=123456789.512346 ) ]
Input in hexadecimal number h500 ( 1280 ) Input in binary b111 ( 7 )
Calculations (+, -, *, /, s, c, t, etc.) are performed on temporary real numbers.
Calculation results are recorded in temporary real number memory
Some ( = , > >> , I, M, M[M, N, X], mC etc. ) are also recorded in temporary integer memory.
When moving from DLL to VB
Copy tmp(DLL) to tmp(VB).
When tmp(DLL) exceeds +-2.23 * 10 ^ -308, tmp(VB) = 0.
If tmp(DLL) exceeds +-1.79 * 10 ^ + 308, it will not be recorded in tmp(VB).
M memory, N memory, J memory (VB), and temporary integer memory are common to VB and DLL.
X memory, temporary real number memory is separate memory in VB, DLL
+ - * / = [VB, DLL]
+ = Add
- = Subtraction (If the next number is a number, insert a space), Negative (number)
* = Multiplication
/ = Division
= Equal (required after +,-,*,/) Record in temporary real number memory
-2147483648 <= x <= 2147483647 Also recorded in temporary integer memory
(For X.5, round to the even number side. Example 1.5 --> 2 2.5 --> 2 3.5 --> 4 )
_I_ Q, q _>_
> >> Integer processing [VB, DLL]
> Record the first 9 digits in integer memory [VB, DLL]
>> Record 18 digits (DLL) and 15 digits (VB) in integer memory
x(tmp)> --> A * 10 ^ C ( A has 1 digit integer and no decimal point )
( For X.5, round to the even number side )
( same as >> when x < -2147483648 or 2147483647 < x )
x(tmp) >> --> [A+B] * 10 ^ C ( A has 1 digit integer and no decimal point )
[DLL] [A+B] = 18 digits Round the 19th digit ( round to the even side for X.5 )
[VB] [A+B] = 15 digits
Record A in temporary integer memory [9 digits]
Record B in internal integer memory [9 digits]
Record C in temporary real memory
>A --> Record A in temporary [ integer, real number ] memory
>B --> Record B in temporary [ integer, real number ] memory
>C --> Record C in temporary [ integer, real number ] memory
>X --> Record temporary integer in temporary real number memory
@' @" @`
[ ] ( ) ~ | ! ^ [VB, DLL]
[ ] ( ) --> Parentheses ( up to 50 layers )
x(tmp) ~ --> * -1
x(tmp) | --> Absolute value of x
X(tmp) ! --> X factorial [ 0 <= X <= 170 (VB), 0 <= X <= 1754 (DLL) ]
・ x(tmp) ^n --> Power x = Positive number ( Negative number is treated as a positive number )
n = integer or MA, NB, XC ( 0<= A <=20050, 0<= B <=2050, 0<= C <=1050 )
:L :: :E , ; [VB, DLL]
:LX --> Label X ( 0<= X <=10000 )
:: --> End of :L ( If omitted, :L is searched until the end of the program. )
:E --> End of program ( If omitted, processes until the end of the text. )
, --> Temporary stop (HLT) Displays temporary [integer, real number] memory in the message field (middle right). [Cancel F11, F12]
While paused ( other than gS[ gSL, gs, gsL ] to gE ),
If you change the program after HLT and then cancel HLT, the result will be the program after the change. @T
;String [line break] --> Comment ( cannot include :E )
Code; String [Line break] --> String cannot include :E
Cannot include code [ string] --> ], :E, :L, ::
( When using DLL, Japanese characters (Unicode) corresponding to " :L, :: " cannot be included. ) 0 P 10 * T E
' " ` (Showing) Display [VB, DLL+VB]
Display up to 15 digits
(Tmp,tmp) ' --> Display temporary real memory in picture box
temporary integer memory is displayed in the message field (middle right)
(Tmp,tmp) " --> Display temporary real memory in data text box (add)
temporary integer memory is displayed in the message field (middle right)
(Tmp,tmp) ` --> Display temporary [integer, real number] memory in the message field (middle right)
( If the program ends at the end of the program instead of ending with E,
Display temporary real number memory in the picture box. )
If the temporary real number memory exceeds the range of double-precision real numbers, use >> to display 18 digits @' @" @`
Left-click Alt + MsgClm --> Display the characters in the message field in the message box
Enter key or Esc key --> Delete message box
@ (Conversion showing) Conversion display [VB, DLL+VB]
X(tmp) @A' " --> Convert the ASC2 code in the temporary real number memory to characters and display it ( 20 <= X <= FF [H] )
X(tmp) @U' " --> Convert Unicode in temporary real number memory to characters and display it ( 20 <= X <= FFFF [H] )
X(tmp) @b' " --> Temporary real number memory is displayed in binary number ( -2147483648 <= X <= 2147483647 integer )
X(tmp) @h' " --> Display temporary real memory in hexadecimal ( -2147483648 <= X <= 2147483647 integer )
x(tmp) @d' " --> Display temporary real number memory as ` ' " ( |X| <= 10^50 real number )
x(tmp) @t' " --> Display temporary real number memory h h s ( |X| <= 10^50 real number )
' Display in picture box " Display in data text box
After executing >>
@' --> Display AB E C ( [A+B] * 10^C ) in the picture box
@" --> Display AB E C ( [A+B] * 10^C ) in the data text box
@` --> Display AB E C ( [A+B] * 10^C ) in the message field (middle right)
@T --> Record the time from ,(HLT) to HLT release in temporary real number memory
@S --> When DLL starts [ tmp = 1 ] When VB starts [ tmp = 0 ]
@D --> Display CLC.DLL_Version in picture box [DLL+VB]
@W --> Record calculation window size in temporary real memory
$ Current date and time [VB, DLL+VB]
$M --> Record month [ 1 to 12 ] in temporary [integer, real number] memory
$D --> Record day [ 1 to 31 ] in temporary [integer, real number] memory
$h --> Record hour [ 0 to 23 ] in temporary [integer, real number] memory
$m --> Record minutes [ 0 to 59 in temporary [integer, real number] memory
$s --> Temporary [ integer, real number] Record seconds [ 0 to 59 ] in memory
$W --> Record the day of the week [ 1 (Sun) to 7 (Sat) ] in temporary [integer, real number] memory
$Y --> Record the year [ 1980 to 2099 ] (Windows95) in temporary [integer, real number] memory
% Control [VB, DLL+VB]
% Ch blank or , or line break T (timer)
Ch [
S0 Standardization S1 Iconization S2 Maximization
S3 Maximize PctrBx S4 Maximize TxtBx S5 Reduce
E ATCLC End TdOF Td timer OFF TwOF Tw timer OFF
D0 DtTxtBx Hide D1 DtTxtBx Display DC DtTxtBx Clear
PC PctrBx Clear AC AddPctrBx Clear TC TxtBx Clear ( valid when T% )
PI PctrBx initialization TI TxtBx initialization
TM1C TxtM1 erase TM2C TxtM2 erase TM3C TxtM3 erase
BM1C BnryM1 erase BM2C BnryM2 erase BM3C BnryM3 erase
TMC TxtM( 0 ~ 3 ) erase BMC BnryM( 0 ~ 3 ) erase PMC Pctr memory erase
MC M memory erase NC N memory erase
XC X memory erase JC J memory erase MNXJC memory ( M, N, X, J ) erase
DD Record memory data of X1 P [X2] * [Ch] in DtTxtBx
DM0~3 Copy TxtM0~3 text to DtTxtBx
M1~3D Copy DtTxtBx text to TxtM1~3
m1~3D Add DtTxtBx text to TxtM1~3
CM0~3 Copy TxtM0~3 text to Clipboard
M1~3C Copy Clipboard text to TxtM1~3
m1~3C Add Clipboard text to TxtM1~3
CbD Copy DtTxtBx text to Clipboard
DCb Copy Clipboard text to DtTxtBx
dCb Add Clipboard text to DtTxtBx
X %CP Move cursor to X page (front) ( Invalid when T% ) ( 0#EndCr )
X %CJ Move cursor to X characters ( Invalid when T% )
X %CG Move cursor to line X (front) ( Invalid when T% )
CJ0~9 Move cursor to cursor memory ( number of characters ) CrsJ0 ~ 9
CG0~9 Move cursor to cursor memory ( number of lines ) CrsG0 ~ 9
x %V0 Hide ATCLC for x seconds [ 0.1 <= x <= 10000 ] ( Disabled when T% )
%V1 Display ATCLC
%SK Generate key code SndKy
%GX Process from position :LX 0<= X <=10000
%A(N)X Execute Application of ExctF(N)X ( ExctF0 to ExctF1000 )
(N)X = X or NX N = N memory
Directory (Folder)
JDN(N)X Change the directory name of JN0 (full path) to J(N)X (full path) ( *, ? cannot be used )
JMD(N)X Create a directory for J(N)X (full path)
JRD(N)X Delete the J(N)X (full path) directory ( when there is no file or directory )
( *, ? = wildcard )
JFB(N)X Record the number of file bytes of J(N)X (full path) in temporary real memory
JFC(N)X Copy JN0 (full path) to J(N)X (full path) ( *, ? can be used )
JFN(N)X Change the file name of JN0 (full path) to J(N)X (full path) ( *, ? cannot be used )
JFD(N)X Delete the file J(N)X (full path) ( *, ? can be used )
JFCT(N)X Change the J(N)X (full path) file to a text file ( *, ? cannot be used )
JFL(N)XTx Display J(N)X (full path) text file in TxtBx ( valid when T% )
JFL(N)XTE Display and execute the J(N)X (full path) text file on TxtBx. ( Effective when T% )
JFL(N)XPc Display J(N)X (full path) picture file on PctrBx
JFL(N)XAP Display J(N)X (full path) picture file in AddPctrBx
JFL(N)XDT Display J(N)X (full path) text file in DtTxtBx
JFL(N)XT1~3 Record J(N)X (full path) text file in text memory (1 ~ 3)
JFL(N)XB0~3 Record the binary file of J(N)X (full path) in binary memory(0 ~ 3)
JFS(N)XDT Save DtTxtBx text to J(N)X (full path) file
JFS(N)XT0~3 Save data in text memory(0 ~ 3) to J(N)X (full path) file
JFS(N)XB0~3 Save data in binary memory(0 ~ 3) to J(N)X (full path) file
J**(N)X Select J(N)X (full path) as playback file name ( *.WAV, *.WMA, *.AVI )
J*S(N)X Play J(N)X (full path) file
*S Play ( *.CDA is not available ( *.CDA is a music CD song information file. ) )
*P Pause *.WAV, *.WMA, *.AVI
*E Stop
If N# is included in the full path, the size is the same as when executed from the command line.
If N# is missing, no size change
Before execution, 1 is recorded in temporary real number memory, and 0 is recorded when the file is not found or other errors occur.
% Communication
MA Send AT A (answer tone)
MH0 Send AT H0 ( line connection OFF, waiting ) MH1 Send AT H1 ( line connection ON, busy )
MCM Send +++ ( move to command mode ) MDM Send AT O0 ( move to data mode ) [ ATMCM, ATMDM ]
MRC command reception start ( received on J2 when in command mode )
MRD data reception start ( received with CmCnt [1] in data mode )
CR Start reception ( RS-232C <--> RS-232C ) CRJ Received on J2 CR0 CRJ release ( CmCnt [1] )
CTS Text transmission CBS Binary transmission MCS Modem command transmission
CRK Record received data CE RS-232C end CI RS-232C initialization
X %CTF Convert J(X) (full path) binary file to text file (DBCS) ( TmpDr\BTxtTmp.TXT )
X %CBF Convert J(X) (full path) text file to binary file (DBCS) ( TmpDr\file name or BFTmp.Bnr )
x %CRT, After x seconds, record the received data and release the pause (,) . ( Invalid when T% )
( Cannot be processed correctly with timer (T*,) and CRK loop )
Control Windows95
WLO Logoff WRB Reboot WPO Windows exit ( automatic power off )
WPE Forced termination of all processes WSD Preparation for power off
( WRB, WPO, WSD are disabled when using Windows 2000, XP to 8.1. )
Example 1 %WLO E
Example 2 Restart ( ; ~ [Line break] do not include spaces { } is an alphabetic character )
%S1 10%V0 #SndKy;%{F4}[Line break]
#SndKy;R[line break] or #SndKy;{PGDN}{UP}{ENTER}[line break]
1.5T%SK, %E
Example 3 Windows shuts down after 10 seconds
WINEND.BAT shutdown -s -f -t 10
%A10 2T%E, E
# (Temporarychange) Temporary change [VB, DLL+VB] ( Initialization )
#TxFDr;String [line break] --> TxFDr = string
#PrgDr;String [line break] --> PrgDr = string
#DtFDr;String [line break] --> DtFDr = string
#DtBDr;String [line break] --> DtBDr = string
#TmpDr;String [line break] --> TmpDr = string
#SndKy;String [line break] --> SndKy = string
#MDtRc;String [line break] --> MDtRc = string
#DBSet;String [line break] --> DBSet = string
#CmSet;String [line break] --> CmSet = string
#CmCnt;String [line break] --> CmCnt = string
#CmTxE;String [line break] --> CmTxE = string
#CmHOf;String [line break] --> CmHOf = string
#CmcBT;String [line break] --> CmcBT = string
#ATMDM;String [line break] --> ATMDM = string
#ATMCM;String [line break] --> ATMCM = String
#TFnNm;String [line break] --> TFnNm = String
#PFnNm;String [line break] --> PFnNm = String
#CrsMv;String [line break] --> CrsMv = string
X #ExctF;String [line break] --> ExctFX = string
#Ch[String] --> Ch = String Cannot include :L :: :E ; Japanese characters ( 2[B] )
# Ch JX --> Ch = J[X] ( set in J memory )
X #TxtEx --> TxtEx = X
X #OtCnt --> OtCnt = X
x #ScrGX --> ScrGX = x
x #ScrGY --> ScrGY = x
X #PctrR --> PctrR = X
X #PgStP --> PgStP = X
X #HltCr --> HltCr = X
X #EndCr --> EndCr = X
X #ClcRc --> ClcRc = X
X #XYPtM --> XYPtM = X
X #XYPtC --> XYPtC = X
X #TmDfT --> TmDfT = X
X #TdDfT --> TdDfT = X
X #TwDfT --> TwDfT = X
X #CrsJ0~9 --> CrsJ0~9 = X
X #CrsG0~9 --> CrsG0~9 = X
X #CrsR0~9 --> CrsR0~9 = X
X #TFClr --> TFClr = X
X #TBClr --> TBClr = X
x #TFnSz --> TFnSz = x
X #TFnOt --> TFnOt = X
X #PFClr --> PFClr = X
X #PBClr --> PBClr = X
X #PLClr --> PLClr = X
x #PFnSz --> PFnSz = x
X #PFnOt --> PFnOt = X
X #PXYSz --> PXYSz=X
X #PGrSz --> PGrSz=X
Return to original by initializing text box
#TFClr, #TBClr, #TFnSz, #TFnOt, #TFnNm, #TxFDr
Return to original by initializing picture box
#PFClr, #PBClr, #PFnSz, #PFnOt, #PFnNm, #PLClr, #PXYSz, #PGrSz
Return to original by initializing RS-232C
#CmSet, #CmCnt, #CmTxE, #CmHOf, #CmcBT, #ATMDM, #ATMCM
Return to the original state by initializing the program
#PrgDr, #DtFDr, #DtBDr, #TmpDr, #SndKy, #MDtRc, #DBSet, #TxtEx, #OtCnt, #ScrGX, #ScrGY,
#PctrR, #PgStP, #HltCr, #EndCr, #CrsMv, #ClcRc, #XYPtM, #XYPtC, #TmDfT, #TdDfT, #TwDfT
Initialize with INI file to restore
#ExctF, #CrsJ0~9, #CrsG0~9, #CrsR0~9
Font change code for line printing #PrFSE, #PrFnt, #TFntN
Launch the Executable file [ExctF] Command line
ExctF0 = Full path of Executable file + switch + N# [line break] %A
N = Application size ( 0 = Standard or unchanged 1 = Minimum (icon) 2 = Maximum )
If N# is omitted, it is the same as 0# .
( Process 2# first, then process 3# when ATCLC.EXE starts. )
Execution from command line ( ATCLC.EXE + switch )
ATCLC.EXE [ ] :\ [ ].TXT N# ( Displayed in Text box )
ATCLC.EXE [ ] :\ [ ].TXT * N# (Displayed in Text box, executed. )
ATCLC.EXE [ ] :\ [ ].BMP N# ( Displayed in additional Picture box )
ATCLC.EXE [ ] :\ [ ].WAV N# ( Open Sound file)
ATCLC.EXE [ ] :\ [ ].AVI N# ( Open AVI file)
ATCLC.EXE [ ] :\ [ ].MDB ( Display Database window ) ( *.XLS, *.DBF, *.CSV )
N = calculation window size ( 0=standard 1=minimum 2=maximum 3=PctrBx maximum 4=TxtBx maximum 5=reduced )
Calculation window size when N# is omitted when executed from the command line.
*.TXT is the maximum text box
*.BMP, *.JPG, *.GIF are maximum picture box
*.WAV, *.WMA are calculation window standards
*.AVI is the minimum calculation window
If N# is omitted in other than [ExctF, command line], the calculation window size does not change.
WAV, WMA, AVI, MP3, MP4, MPG can be played using an external media player.
( If using something other than Windows Media Player, set MdPyP in the INI file. )
( The old standard AVI cannot be played properly on Windows later than Windows XP. )
Key code [ SndKy(SendKeys) ]
Generate a key code instead of pressing a key on the keyboard
Required to end the screen saver ( Example INI file SndKy=^ or temporary #SndKy;^ )
Enclose in { } ( { } is an alphabetic character )
F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7, F8, F9, F10, F11, F12
Do not surround with { }
0 ~ 9, A ~ Z, a ~ z, blank
~(ENTER), %(Alt)
^(Ctrl), +(Shift) ( capital letters A to Z cannot be used )
[ ~ (tilde), % (percent sign), ^ (caret), + (plus sign) ]
SndKy =
^e --> Ctrl+e
+(abc) --> ABC
%FO --> Alt+F, O
{RIGHT 3} --> Rarrow (3 times)
( Dflt = )
Data recording method [MDtRc]
X1 P[X2]*[Ch] memory data recording method
MDtRc = [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8]
Dflt = MN, 0, 80, D, RS, L, 0, Z
0 = Do not record memory symbol and memory number ( 0 = zero )
N = Record memory number
MN = Record memory symbol and memory number
MN= = Record the memory symbol, memory number, and equal sign
0 = ` ' ", h m s, comma (,) Do not record ( 0 = zero )
D = Record expression of ` ' "
T = Record expression of h m s
C = Record comma (,) at the end of 1 memory ( *.CSV file )
CC = Record comma (,) between the memory number and the numerical value at the end of 1 memory. ( *.CSV file )
DC = Record expression of ` ' ", and record comma (,) at the end of 1 memory.
TC = Record expression of h m s, and record comma (,) at the end of 1 memory.
DCC = Record expression of ` ' ", and record comma (,) between the memory number and the numerical value at the end of 1 memory.
TCC = Record expression of h m s, and record comma (,) between the memory number and the numerical value at the end of 1 memory.
[3] Number of characters per line 10<= [3] <=1000
[4] Number of characters in 1 memory 1 <= [4] <= 1000 or D (default value for each memory)
RS = Insert a space to the right of the number and align it to [4] [character]
LS = Insert a space to the left of the number and align it to [4] [character]
LZ = Insert 0(zero) to the left side of the number and align it to [4] [character]
L = Align each line to [3][character]
+ = Connect each memory ( continuous string V code [4] = 8 )
* = Connect each memory and remove the 0 column from the front. ( unrecorded memory, earliest memory with a small number of digits )
# = Connect each memory and remove the 0 column from the front, and line break from [7] [character]. ( Continuous columns from the second row )
+L = Connect each memory and align each line to [3] [character].
*L = Connect each memory and remove the 0 column from the front, and align each line to [3] [character].
#L = Connect each memory and remove the 0 column from the front, and line break from [7] [character], and align each line to [3] [character].
[7] Number of characters in the first line to break 1<= [7] <=1000
0 = Do not record data ( 0 = zero )
Z = Do not record data ( record in internal memory )
P = Display in picture box
M = Record data to TxtM1
M+ = Add data to TxtM1
T = Record data to DtTxtBx
T+ = Add data to DtTxtBx
F = Save data to file ( TmpDr\MmDtTmp.TXT )
MF = M and F
TF = T and F
P, M, M+, T, T+ has an execution time of 100 seconds or more and is also saved in a file.
Example MDtRc = N,0,80,20,RS,L,0,T
Record the memory number, insert a space to the right of the number, align 1 memory with 20 characters, Record in DtTxtBx with 80 characters per line.
Binary memory [BnryM]
Memory for recording binary data. ( 0 ~ 3 )
BnryM0 is temporary recording binary memory. ( When inputting an image file, etc. )
( Picture size is 200MB or less, other items are within the unused range of the installed RAM memory. )
To save media data ( WAV, WMA, MP3, MP4,… ) to the database,
[File (F)] --> [ *.WAV, *.WMA, *.AVI(~XP) ] --> [ Select file (record to BnryM0) ],
[Edit (E)] --> [ BnryM0 (B)] --> [ Copy to BnryM1 (1) ], ( BnryM1, BnryM2, BnryM3 )
Ctrl+D, select database file, select table, F7, select binary column,
[Edit (E)] --> [ Change binary data (B) ].
Calculation window size [ScrMd]
Keep the ratio to the screen constant even if the display resolution changes.
ScrMd = 0.4 to 0.99 ( horizontal of the screen 1 to horizontal of the calculation window 0.4 to 0.99 )
When the resolution of the display changes, the ratio to the screen also changes. (The number of pixels is constant )
ScrMd = 1.4 to 1.99 Base [ 640 * 480 ]
ScrMd = 2.4 to 2.99 Base [ 800 * 600 ]
ScrMd = 3.4 to 3.99 Base [ 1024 *768 ]
ScrMd = 4.4 to 4.99 Base [ 1280 * 1024 ]
ScrMd = 5.4 to 5.99 Base [ 1600 * 1200 ]
( Dflt = 0.7 )
The decimal part is standard size. The same applies when the integer part is reduced size.
Even if the display resolution changes, the calculation window is not displayed correctly unless the size is changed.
Text box [TxtBx, DtTxtBx]
Displaying text, searching, and running programs
Set the number of characters of text displayed in the text box with TxtEx
1000 <= TxtEx <= 30000 ( Dflt = 20100 ) ( Number of characters on 1 page )
The text box can display up to 32K[B] ( 64K[B] after converting to Unicode )
[ 32768 [characters] ]
[ For line break (CR+LF) (0D0A[H]) and Japanese without alphabetic characters ( only double-byte characters ) 16384 [characters] ]
Editing when the text is more than 20,000 characters (TxtBx) ( when TxtEx = 20,000 )
[1] Edit every 20,000 characters using Alt + [ PageDown, PageUp, Home, End ]
[2] Use an external editor EdtrP
If there is no file display and no data saved, the data will be the edited data. ( EdtrTemp.TXT )
If you do not edit and save the data after saving the data or displaying the file, the data will be the data before editing. ( Save file name or display file name )
Number of characters that can be added from 20,000 characters
When the additional characters are only 1-byte characters (alphabetic characters) 32768 - 20000 - [ Number of existing Japanese characters ]
When the additional characters are only 2-byte characters (Japanese characters) 16384 - 20000 + [ number of existing alphabetic characters ] / 2 + number of line breaks
If you cannot enter fewer characters than the TxtEx setting value, reduce the TxtEx setting value.
Number of characters not including line breaks = [ Number to the last character ] - ( number of lines - 1 ) * 2
It cannot be processed correctly unless it is in standard text format.
Number of bytes of file that can be read < 1GB ( actually 10MB )
If the number of characters is more than TxtEx characters and there are fewer line breaks, it will take a considerable amount of time to display.
When TxtBx from file, TxtM(0~3) to TxtBx, Alt + [ ], the entire area is recorded in internal memory,
Approximately 20,000 characters are displayed in the text box.
The text box can display up to 20,000 characters ( when TxtEx = 20,000 )
Alt+Home Display the first 20000 characters ( Cursor is on the first line )
Alt+Shift+Home Display the first 20,000 characters ( Cursor is on the last line )
Alt+End Display the last 1 to 20000 characters ( Cursor is on the first line )
Alt+Shift+End Display the last 1 to 20000 characters ( cursor is on the last line )
Alt+PageUp Display previous 20000 characters ( Cursor is on the first line )
Alt+Shift+PageUp Display previous 20,000 characters ( Cursor is on the last line )
Alt+PageDown Display the next 20000 characters ( Cursor is on the first line )
Alt+Shift+PageDown Display next 20000 characters ( Cursor is on the last line )
Alt+A Display the input box ( InptBx ) for area movement
Enter the number(X) and press Enter --> Display the Xth 20,000 characters.
Home, End, PageDown, PageUp --> Move page
If there is a line break within 200 characters from the end of 20,000 characters, display up to the last line break.
Left click on MsgClm ( middle right ) --> Display file name, TFnSz, TFClr
Ctrl + Left click on MsgClm ( middle left ) --> Delete "Changes" display
TxtBx Left click --> Display number of characters, rows, columns, pages
Alt + TxtBx Left click --> Display the characters in the message field (above) in the message box
Data text box ( DtTxtBx )
It is not possible to search or display more than TxtEx.
If there is a line break within 200 characters from the end of TxtEx, it will be displayed up to the last line break.
Everything after the last line break is recorded in internal memory.
Shift + Ctrl + DtTxtBx Left click --> Delete text in DtTxtBx ( also delete internal memory )
Alt+N --> Compare next line [ DtTxtBx, TxtBx ]
Alt+X --> Exchange the text of DtTxtBx and TxtBx
Ctrl+A --> After Alt+X, Return cursor to original position
The software (VB) used to create ATCLC does not have an overwrite mode, so this is a substitute process.
Since a line break (return code + line feed code) is recognized as two characters, when overwriting the return code,
The line break disappears from the display, but the line feed code remains. ( need to overwrite one more character )
If the input speed of characters is fast, overwriting becomes unstable.
When entering characters beyond the right range of the text box,
The string is displayed on two or more lines due to automatic wrapping of the text box. ( soft line break )
After this, if you enter a Japanese character or part of an English character ( blank, }, ], ), ?, !, -, \ ), a special line break will be inserted.
( It does not exist as text data and is recorded outside the data area as a text control code. )
( It disappears when you enlarge the calculation window to display one line. ) ( Windows specifications )
Added horizontal scroll bar from version 1.4022[4300]
Search Replace
Search from the beginning of the search area
Search continues until the end of the area even if the cursor position is changed
To search from the cursor position, set to back area, and Alt+K, after F3.
Left click on MsgClm (top) to set reference position = cursor position, right click to set reference position = 1.
The lower limit setting for the rear area is Alt+Y
Left click on MsgClm (top) to lower limit position = cursor position, right click to lower limit position = end of text.
Ctrl+B Move cursor to previous search position ( Calculation window )
Ctrl+E Move the cursor to the lower limit position of the backward area search
Ctrl+F Call search window [string]
Ctrl+H Call replacement window
Ctrl+K Initializes the search number and moves the cursor to the search reference position. ( Calculation window )
Ctrl+O Initialize the search number and move to the first search position in the target area. ( Calculation window )
Ctrl+R Replace mode [ ON, OFF ]
Ctrl+S Switch between Sarch window and replace window ( Search/Replace window )
F2 Switch from search window to calculation window (Esc)
Shift+F2 Switch from calculation window to search window ( F2 when there is no other window )
F5 Number of strings in area ( Search/Replace window )
F3 Find next ( Calculation window )
F4 Replace the string at the cursor position ( when replace mode is ON )
Shift+F3 case sensitive ( left click on MsgClm(top) )
・ワCtrl+F3 [ All, Front, Rear ] area ( Left click on MsgClm (top) )
Ctrl+U Search by characters on the clipboard ( when there are more than 255 characters )
Ctrl+Enter Clear search and replace text box ( Search/Replace window )
Alt+C Add return code (CR) to search text box ( Search/Replace window )
Alt+F Add a line break before the search text box string
Alt+L Add line feed code (LF) to search text box
Alt+K Enter line break (CR+LF) in the search text box
Alt+R Add a line break after the search text box string
Alt+T Add tab (Tb) to search text box
Alt+V Enter the return code + return code in the search text box
Alt+W Enter line feed code + line feed code in search text box
Alt+X Exchange search string and replacement string ( Replace window )
Alt+K Record the current cursor position as the search reference position ( Calculation window )
Alt+Y Record the current cursor position as the lower limit of the area for backward area search
Alt+Shift+A Replace all
Alt+Shift+E All return codes --> Replacement string + return code
Alt+Shift+S All line feed codes --> Line feed code + replacement string
Right-click the search label Search by Unicode code ( hexadecimal, 1 or 2 code ) ( e.g. 000D000A )
( The code is displayed in the Windows IME pad_Character list. )
Alt+J Cursor movement [Number of characters] InptBx ( Calculation window )
Alt+L Cursor movement [number of lines] InptBx
Alt+A Cursor movement [Page] InptBx
( Move text area when there are more than TxtEx characters X, Enter key --> Display X page )
Alt+C Cursor movement [ Number of characters, number of lines, number of columns ] CrsMv ( Calculation window )
Alt+n Record cursor position in memory ( 0 <= n <= 9 )
Ctrl+n Move cursor to memory location ( 0 <= n <= 9 )
Left click on Shift + MsgClm (middle left) Record cursor position [0 to 9]
Picture box [PctrBx, AddPctrBx]
The formats that can be displayed are *.BMP, *.JPG, *.GIF.
The file data displayed as PctrBx data is recorded in a separate memory.
Use gP between gS to gE to programmatically draw a graph into his PctrBx.
Data is saved in bitmap format (*.BMP) .
Shift+F5 --> Picture file display (PctrBx)
Shift+F7 --> Display additional picture file (AddPctrBx)
F8 --> Add AddPctrBx data to PctrBx
Shift+F6 --> Save picture box data ( overwrite without confirmation )
F9 --> Picture box clear
Alt+F7 --> Redisplay additional picture file data
Shift+F8 --> Save additional picture box data ( overwrite without confirmation )
Shift+F9 --> Clear additional picture box
Alt+F9 --> Erase picture memory
Alt+O --> Move additional picture to center of coordinates
Alt+Uarrow --> Move additional picture up
Alt+Darrow --> Move additional picture down
Alt+Rarrow --> Move additional picture to the right
Alt+Larrow --> Move additional picture to the left
Alt+Shift+L --> XY axis, graph drawing line size InptBx #PXYSz, #PGrSz
Alt+Shift+C --> Delete additional picture area Left, Bottom, Top, Right InptBx
Alt+Shift+M --> Additional picture movement amount 1 to 100 [Pixel] InptBx
Alt+Shift+X --> Additional picture reduction/enlargement * 0.01 to * 10 InptBx
Alt+Shift+V --> Pointer movement amount 1 to 200 [Pixel] InptBx
Alt+Shift+O --> Move pointer to coordinate origin (0,0)
Alt+Shift+Uarrow --> Move pointer up
Alt+Shift+Darrow --> Move pointer down
Alt+Shift+Rarrow --> Move pointer to the right
Alt + Shift+Larrow --> Move pointer to the left
PctrBx Left click --> Display the pointer coordinates in the message field (lower right) ( Position display ON )
Shift + PctrBx left click --> Turn position display ON, OFF
Ctrl + PctrBx Left click --> Display the pointer coordinates in the picture box ( position display ON )
PctrBx Right click --> Display picture file data in the message field (lower right)
Ctrl + PctrBx Right click --> Display picture box data in message field (lower right)
( If the number of colors in the picture is greater than the number of colors on the display, the number of colors and number of bytes will be displayed smaller. )
AddPctrBx Right click --> Display additional picture file data in the message field (lower right)
Ctrl + AddPctrBx Right click --> Display additional picture box data in the message field (lower right)
Left click on MsgClm (lower right) --> Display file name ( PctrBx, AddPctrBx ), PFnSz, PFClr
Left click on Alt + MsgClm (lower right) --> Display the characters in the message field in the message box
Printing [ #PrFSE, #PrFnt ]
Print target Windows text type line break ( 0D0A[H] or 0D[H] ) text and pictures.
Switch between print window and calculation window --> F2 , Alt+F2
In two-column printing, a line break is made at the halfway position, and the paper is printed on the left and right sides.
When the line number interval is 1 or more, print the line number at the beginning of the line.
Line printing prints one line [ from the cursor position to the end of the line ] .
Printing method
[ 1 ] Normal printing
[1] Start button [2] Text button or each line button or picture button [3] Send end button
[ 2 ] Check the first page in preview, then print the first page.
[1] Preview button [2] Text button or each line button or picture button [3] Send end button
[4] Preview end button [5] Select print [Yes/No] ( Record print data in BnryM0 )
When printing from preview, set the background color of the paper in advance. ( default color is white )
Since the preview data is a picture, the character string will be rougher than the printer's font.
Even if you change the preview picture just before printing, it is not reflected in printing.
Display BnryM0 created in preview with [ Show memory data [AddPctrBx] ], then edit it,
Print after executing [ Record of AddPctrBx changes ] .
The start button and preview button process the first header and
The end send button processes the footer.
When there are two or more pages, the text button processes everything except the header on the first page and the footer on the last page.
( For picture buttons and each line buttons, the header and footer are not processed. )
Print first line ( date, file name, page ) ( can be set to none )
Print last line ( date, file name, page ) ( can be set to none )
The first file name is the picture name selected before starting if there is no text name.
The last file name is the last selected picture name, Text name if there is no picture print.
If you change the text or settings for the following text, you need to click [Total Page Count].
Target of picture printing
[PctrBx file] = File data displayed in the picture box
[PctrBx] = Picture box data File name = PctrBx.BMP
[AddPctrBx] = Additional picture box data
Print the picture at the X[mm], Y[mm] position.
If there is no input, prints sequentially downward from the horizontal position of [ left, middle, right ] .
Print one line at position Y[mm]. For no input, prints sequentially downward.
For 1 page [ text + picture + 1line ],
The print position will be the last line, so set the footer to none, Specify print position in Y[mm].
When you resize the calculation window and restore it, the size has changed, and so Display the picture after clearing the picture box.
The print window's cancel button ( or Ctrl+Shift ) cancels the print process and erases the print data.
To check the total number of pages, change settings other than paper size and 2-column printing ,
After changing the text when 200KB < [Text], it is necessary to click [ Total number of pages ] .
If there is not enough space at the bottom margin, the end-of-line data may be printed on the next page.
If there is an error in the margin settings from the actual print position, adjust it using left error (PrLDf) and upper error (PrUDf) .
If the error occurs because there is no printer, go to [Add Printer] in the control panel, even if there is no printer,
Select one of the included printer drivers.
Print configuration
[ 1 ] Use printer driver software
[1] Start the original printer driver software on the Windows control panel and configure the settings.
[2] Press the [ Driver setting value (F5) ] button. Black and white, Color, Length, Breadth, paper size, etc. are set.
If "Unknown" is displayed in the paper size field in the print window,
Set the same values as the vertical and horizontal [mm] of the driver software.
If your printer has a black and white setting, black and white takes precedence over text color.
( Depending on the printer, it may become unstable.
After [Send to driver], the inter-program communication has moved to the print window, so
Temporarily close the print window and start it again. )
[ 2 ] Do not use printer driver software
[1] Set each item in the print window.
[2] Press the [ Send to driver (F6) ] button. ( Send black and white, color, Length, Breadth, paper size, etc. )
Paper size is F8, others are F7.
Sizes that are displayed as an error in the message field of the print window cannot be set.
There were changes in Windows specifications between Windows 2000 and XP.
The application's printer settings no link with the original.
( The settings in the shortcut file created in the control panel are linked. )
Previously, when in black and white mode, colors other than black were printed in black.
From Version 1.4022[4315], when in black and white mode, the text color is sent as black.
( Did HP emphasize practicality with bidirectional communication and double-sided printing from an early stage?, Did Epson emphasize image quality? . )
Font change printing ( only 1 page , on every other line )
After executing #PrFSE, #PrFnt, print with each line button.
The changed font can be restored by [Initialize text box] .
X1 m0 X2 #PrFSE --> X1 = Front line X2 = Last line
X #PrFnt --> X line font setting
0 #PrFnt --> Font settings for other lines
3m0 15 #PrFSE
hFF0000#TFClr 17#TFnSz 0000#TFnOt 03#PrFnt #TFnNm;MS UI Gothic
hFF80FF#TFClr 16#TFnSz 1110#TFnOt 05#PrFnt #TFnNm;MS UI Gothic
h00FF00#TFClr 16#TFnSz 1000#TFnOt 07#PrFnt #TFnNm;MS UI Gothic
hFFFF00#TFClr 17#TFnSz 0010#TFnOt 09#PrFnt #TFnNm;MS Sans Serif
h00FF00#TFClr 16#TFnSz 1000#TFnOt 11#PrFnt #TFnNm;MS Sans Serif
hFF0000#TFClr 12#TFnSz 0000#TFnOt 13#PrFnt #TFnNm;MS Sans Serif
hFF0000#TFClr 14#TFnSz 0000#TFnOt 00#PrFnt #TFnNm;MS Sans Serif
E :E
[1] Execute 3m0 to E [2] Display print text in TxtBx, Ctrl + P .
[3] Start button or preview button [4] Line print button
[5] Send end button or Send end button , preview end button , Yes button
Communication settings (RS-232C) [CmSet, CmCnt]
CmSet = [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8]
Dflt = 3, 32500, 32500, 2, 19200, N, 8, 1
( Set #CmSet after turning RS-232C OFF. )
[1] COM port [1 ~ 16]
[2] Receive buffer [ 1024 ~ 32500B ]
[3] Transmission buffer [ 512 ~ 32500B ]
[4] Handshake [ 0 (none), 1 (XON/XOFF), 2 (CTS/RTS), 3 ( XON/XOFF + CTS/RTS ) ]
[5] Transfer speed [ 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 9600, 14400, 19200, 28800 ( 38400, 56000, 128000, 256000 ) ]
[6] Parity [ N (none), E (even number), O (odd number) ]
[7] Data bit [ 7, 8 ]
[8] Stop bit [ 1, 2 ]
XON/XOFF is a method that uses ASC2 codes ( 11[H]/13[H] ) to control the sending and receiving of text data.
CTS/RTS is a method that uses signals ( sendable, receiveable ) to control data transmission and reception.
When a port overruns, reduce the transfer speed.
When data bit = 7 , Japanese characters are garbled.
RS-232C and RS-232C communication ( cross cable connection )
Handshake, transfer rate, parity, data bits, and stop bits must be set the same.
[ Example [1]1 [2]32500 [3]32500 [4]2or1 [5]28800 [6]N [7]8 [8]1 ]
Communication between modems ( telephone line connection ) Program Example PgKoTeIDeNWa.html
Internal flow control ( modem <--> RS232C ) ( [4]=2 ) is the same as the PC modem setting. The internal transfer speed ( [5] ) is also the same as the PC setting.
The external transfer speed is automatically set by the modem during CONNECT.
The same settings are required for external flow control ( modem<-->modem ), data compression, error correction, parity, data bits, and stop bits.
CmCnt = [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9]
Dflt = d, 1000, 0, 0, T, BF, 100, N, E
( #CmCnt can be set while RS-232C is operating, since RS-232C does not turn OFF . )
[1] Receive text
D ( overwritten to DtTxtBx ), d ( add to DtTxtBx ),
T ( overwrite to TxtBx ), t (add to TxtBx),
F ( overwrite to *.TXT file ), f ( add to *.TXT file ),
#1~3 ( overwritten to TxtM1~3 ), +1~3 ( add to TxtM1~3 ),
J0~22000 ( overwritten to J memory ), j0~22000 ( add to J memory )
( J10(j10) ~ 22000J is within TxtEx )
[2] Data end detection interval [10 to 65530 [msec] ] ( Display data on PctrBx before recording received data )
[3] CmTxE detection [ 0 (not detected) 1 (detected) ]
CmTxE = String indicating the end of the text ( Dflt = *TxtEnd* )
[4] Reception ends after a certain number of characters ( other than BF, PF, SF, VF, PM, BM, TF ) [ 0 (all characters), 1 ~ [characters] ]
[5] Text transmission [ T(TxtBx), D(DtTxtBx), # 0~3 ( TxtM0~3 ), J0 ~ 22000(J memory), TF( file ) ]
[6] Binary transmission [ P(PctrBx data), p(AddPctrBx data), B 0~3 ( BnryM0~3 ),
BF( file ), PF( BMP, JPG, GIF file ), SF ( WAV file ), VF ( AVI file ) ]
[7] Send data separately [ 0 (all characters), 1 to [characters] ] ( within the sending buffer )
If the processing on the receiving side is not enough, reduce the number.
[8] The beginning of text transmission data ( other than TF in [5] ) [ N( Do not add |TM|_NX_ ), T( Add |TM|_NX_ ) ]
[9] End of text transmission data ( other than TF in [5] ) ( EOF must be added for TF transmission and binary transmission )
[ N( Do not add CmTxE & EOF ), T( Add CmTxE ), E( Add EOF ), TE( Add CmTxE & EOF ) ]
AT command AT Alphabet Return code (CR) ( Some command symbols are different depending on the modem manufacturer. )
Example AT I3 B0 %C1 \N5 &K3 X4 M2 L2 Q0 V1 W1 E1
&F0 = Initial setting 0 I3 = Modem information &P2 = Pulse 20pps B0 = CCTITT %C1 = Data compression MNP5 \N5 = MNP error correction
&K3 = CTS/RTS (modem <--> RS232C) \G1 = XON/XOFF (modem <--> modem) S32 = 17(XON) S33 = 19(XOFF)
X3 = BUSY detected, DIALTONE not detected X4 = BUSY, DIALTONE detected M0 = Speaker OFF M2 = Speaker always ON L2 = Volume [medium]
Q0 = Display response V1 = Character display W1 = Speed, error correction protocol display \V1 = Character display after CONNECT E1 = Echo ON
H0 = Line connection OFF (standby) H1 = Line connection ON ( even after connection, command mode, busy from outside )
Example AT DP1234 Line break Call phone number 1234 P = Pulse T = Tone J = Some mobile phones
Example ( After detecting RING ) AT A Line break A = Data mode after connecting the line and responding to a call from the other party's modem
ATO0 = Shift to data mode +++ = Shift to command mode ( leave at least 1 second before and after +++ ) ( + changed in S2 )
Response from modem [ Return code Number Return code ] or [ Line feed (CR+LF) English word Line feed (CR+LF) ]
When RS-232C is connected to the modem, it will start receiving(command mode) after entering command mode. %MCM %MRC
Send command data of J1 (character memory) to the modem with Alt+M or %MCS.
When receiving a response from the modem, record it in J2. %CRJ %CR0
After connecting with the other party's modem using ATA, it is in data mode, so start receiving(data mode). %MA %MRD
Example #CmSet[3,32500,32500,2,19200,N,8,1] #CmCnt[d,1000,0,0,T,BF,100,N,E]
1j[ AT I3 B0 %C2 \N4 &K3 S32=17 S33=19 X1 &C0 &D0 L2 M2 Q0 V1 W1 E1 ] 5j[ATDP1234] 11j[OK] 12j[CONNECT]
2j[0] %MRC 1jR+ %MCS 3%CRT, 2JP11 Z=_E_ 1j=5 1jR+ %MCS 30%CRT, 2JP12 Z=_E_ %MRD
Send text ( Alt + S )
( |TM|_NX_ ) Text data ( CmTxE 1A ) ( CmTxE = *TxtEnd* ) ( Text memory )
|TF|_NX_ Text data Z | * | Line feed | File name | _Size B 1A ( Text file )
Send binary data ( Alt + B )
| BF | _ NX _ Data Z | * | Line feed | File name | _ Size B 1A ( All files )
| PF | _ NX _ Data Z | * | Line feed | File name | _ Size B 1A ( BMP, JPG, GIF file )
| SF | _ NX _ Data Z | * | Line feed | File name | _ Size B 1A ( AVI file )
| PM | _ NX _ Data Z | * | Line feed | File name | _ Size B 1A ( PctrBx, AddPctrBx )
| BM | _ NX _ Data Z | * | Line feed | File name | _ Size B 1A ( Binary memory )
Data = data obtained by dividing binary code into 8 bits and converting it into ASC2 code
NX = Data size [B] ( BF, PF, SF, VF, PM, BM, TF ) [Character] ( TM )
N = First number of size
X = Size digit - 1 [ Power of 10 ( A=10 B=11 C=12 D=13 E=14 F=15 G = [ 16 <= X ] ) ]
When sending with [ BF, PF, SF, VF ], convert the file data to text,
Save to TmpDr\BTxtTmp.TXT and send.
When sending with [P, p, B0~3], convert the binary memory data to text,
Save to TmpDr\BTxtTmp.TXT and send.
When transmitting binary data, the transmitted data will be doubled + several dozen [B].
When transmitting and receiving binary data, it is necessary to set 8 data bits and no parity.
Text data is recorded in [1]. ( |TM|_NX_ and CmTxE are deleted )
TF saves text data in TmpDr\filename ( or TFTmp.TXT ). ( |TF|_NX_ and Z|*| ~ B are deleted )
( When Z|*| ~ 1A is received in parts, Z|*| ~ B is not deleted. )
BF is converted to binary and saved to TmpDr\filename ( or BFTmp.Bnr ).
PF is converted to binary, save it to TmpDr\filename ( or PFTmp.Bnr ), and display it in AddPctrBx.
PM is converted to binary, save it to TmpDr\filename ( or PMTmp.Bnr ), and display it in AddPctrBx.
SF is converted to binary, save it to TmpDr\filename ( or SFTmp.WAV ), and play it.
VF is converted to binary, save it to TmpDr\filename ( or VFTmp.AVI ), and play it.
BM is converted to binary, save it to TmpDr\filename ( or BMTmp.Bnr ), and recorded to BnryM0.
For BF, PF, PM, SF, VF, BM, save the first to B in TmpDr\RcvTmp.TXT
Save as TmpDr\file name when the file name is detected within 100 [characters]
When receiving [ F, f ], save text data to TmpDr\RcvF.TXT. ( Other than BF, PF, SF, VF, PM, BM, TF )
When the character string CmHOf is included in the reception [ D, d, J, j ], the pause ( , (HLT) ) is canceled.
( CmHOf = *HLTOff* (Dflt) Will not be canceled if there is no string ) %CRT,
After starting reception, the end of the data is detected, reception is temporarily stopped, and reception is resumed after recording in [1].
If there is no termination code (EOF) or the termination string (CmTxE) cannot be detected,
Recorded in [1] using [ Receive data record ]. %CRK
When [ Cancel reception ], send the string "Cancel reception".
[ RS-232C <--> RS-232C ], turn reception preparation off.
When connecting [ modem <--> modem ], do not turn off reception preparation.
When [ Resume reception ], send the string "Resume reception".
For [ RS-232C <--> RS-232C ], turn on reception preparation.
If more data than the receive buffer is transmitted before reception is resumed, an overflow will occur.
Sending and receiving cannot be done at the same time.
Number of bytes of file <= Actual 10MB
Communication ends when the program is initialized and Ctrl+Alt+Space ( emergency end during processing ).
The numbers in the middle right display column are the operating status of RS-232C, 3=CTS, 4=DSR, 5=CD.
Preparation for encrypted communication Alt+Q, [, Enter ( CmcBT )
File encryption
To convert a regular file to a text file, Alt+R, T.
If you rearrange the numbers in CmcBT=5791302468 (default value) in the INI file, it cannot be restored to a correct regular file with the default value.
That's not enough, so use Alt+Q, [, Enter FQT+Enter to encrypt it. To restore, use QTF+Enter.
Converting the text characters in the encrypted file (BTxtTmp.TXT) to other characters makes it even more difficult to decipher.
Conversion program example Character exchange (encryption)
Database settings [ DBSet ]
DBSet = [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9]
Dflt = 1, 0, C, 0, 1, 500, ;, |, ~
[1] Data change [ 0(No), 1(Yes) ]
[2] DSN file [ 0 (not used), 1 (used) ]
[3] Terms of use [ C(Client), S(Server) ]
[4] Copy data from Diagram [ 0 ( no processing ), L ( line break processing ), CSV ( CSV processing ) ]
[5] Confirmation when copying to Diagram [ 0(No), 1(Yes) ]
[6] Criteria for changing the width of Diagram columns ( 1 to 10000 )
[7] Delimiter character for AND search ( 1 character )
[8] Delimiter character for OR search ( 1 character )
[9] Delimiter character for NOT search ( 1 character )
[2] Create DSN file in the DtBDr directory in advance
1 Double-click the [ ODBC Data Source ] icon in the Control Panel,
Open ODBC Administrator. ( Windows XP is in the management tool )
2 Click the [ File DSN ] tab and set the data source location to the DtBDr directory.
3 Click the Add button to create a DSN file for each Driver ( Access, Text, Excel, dBase ).
The file data source names are Accss.DSN, Txt.DSN, Excl.DSN, dBs.DSN, respectively.
[ For * . XLS files, even if [2] = 0, he will use the DSN file. ]
( If a non-existent directory is written, an error will occur during database processing. )
[4] When copying to clipboard or TxtM1
Line feed processing Return code ( 0D[H] ) --> Line feed ( 0D0A[H] )
CSV processing Return code ( 0D[H] ) --> Line feed ( 0D0A[H] ) Tab ( 09[H] ) --> Comma ( , )
[5] When *.MDB, *.XLS, it is also recorded in the database file.
Processing before copying [ line break --> return code comma --> comma ]
[7] [8] [9] Commas (,) cannot be used as delimiters.
Display Database
[1] Ctrl+D ( If you do not want to select a database file, press the Esc key to cancel. )
File types that can be opened (F5) [ *.MDB *.XLS *.DBF *.CSV *.TXT ]
[2] Select the table name in TblTxtBx,
[ Enter key ] or [ Right-click on Diagram ] or [ Right-click on label (table) ].
[3] Select the field (column) name in FldTxtBx,
[ Enter key ] or [ Right-click on Diagram ] or [ Right-click on label (field) ].
[ Table information and column data types are displayed in PctrBx. ( Also temporarily recorded in TxtM0 ) ]
Diagram ( F8 )
Displays non-binary type columns as a Diagram.
When FldTxtBx is * , all rows for all non-binary columns are displayed.
* is a non-existent column that represents everything.
When FldTxtBx is other than * , records of all non-binary type columns and selected columns are
Displayed as a row that is not [ 0 (zero) or empty (no record) ].
Record = data of target [column, row]
Long text type data can be displayed up to 999 characters. ( Search all areas )
DtTxtBx ( F7 )
When FldTxtBx is * , the first column is automatically selected.
When FldTxtBx is other than * , records in the selected column are displayed.
Data in long text type columns is displayed in DtTxtBx and temporarily recorded in TxtM0.
( The area beyond the display range of DtTxtBx ( TxtEx ) is displayed as TxtBx after pressing Alt+X. )
The data of the binary type column is temporarily recorded in BnryM0 and displayed with [ Display internal (external) data of BnryM0 ].
Displayed in AddPctrBx for picture data and DtTxtBx for text data.
If there is a column ( same number as the primary key column , file name [No *.BMP] ) that indicates the type of binary data,
Search in the type column, press Alt+X, then select with the previous and next buttons to display BnryM0 data by extension.
( The old standard internal media player can play old standard AVI on ~ Windows XP,
New standard AVI cannot be played, and specially compressed WAV files cannot be played. )
Enter data in DBTxtBx ( Search, Settings ),
[ Enter key ] or [ Right-click on Diagram ] or [ Right-click on label (text search) ].
If the number of search characters is more than 255, copy it to the clipboard and search with Ctrl+U.
( Search using data with return code and line feed code removed )
When in a Diagram, search by data in the cell ( record display area corresponding to the data array ).
[1] Left click on the cell [2] Right click on the Diagram [3] Right click on the Diagram
[ Character search ] ( text type column, numeric type column, date type column )
Formula String ( '' is not required )
Formula String AND sign or OR sign String
% represents any string , _ represents any single character .
Up to 15 NOT( Dflt = ~ ) symbols and 14 AND( Dflt = ; ) , OR( Dflt = | ) symbols. ~ A ; ( B | C)
When FldTxtBx is * , corresponding records for all columns other than binary type are displayed.
If the value is other than * , the corresponding records in rows where the record in the selected column is not [ 0 or empty ] will be displayed.
Example A OR B --> A | B
A AND B AND (NOT C) --> A ; B ; ~ C ( Do not put spaces before or after ; | ~ )
[ Field search ]
Text type column
Formula Column No [ 'String' ]
Formula Column No [ 'String' ; ~ 'String' ]
Numeric type column
Formula Column No. [ > >= < <= = <> Numeric value ]
Formula Column No. [ B Numeric value AND Numeric value ] ( BETWEEN A AND B ) ( X >= A AND X <= B )
Formula Column No. [ I A,B,C ] ( IN (A,B,C) )
Formula Column No. [ N A,B,C ] ( NOT IN (A,B,C) )
Formula Column No. [ ] AND symbol or OR symbol Column No. [ ]
Column No. = 1 to total number of columns ( first column is 1 )
Up to 15 NOT symbols and [ ] ~1[ ] ; ~2[ ] ; ~3[ ] … ; ~15[ ]
Fld1 Includes A AND Fld1 Includes B --> 1[ 'A' AND 'B' ] --> 1[ 'A' ; 'B' ]
Fld1 Includes 1 AND Fld1 Includes 2 --> 1[ IN 1,2 ] --> 1[ I 1,2 ]
NOT[ Fld1 Includes 1 AND Fld1 Includes 2 ] --> 1[ NOT IN 1,2 ] --> 1[ N 1,2 ]
5 <= Fld1 <= 10 --> 1[ BETWEEN 5 AND 10 ] --> 1[ B 5 AND 10 ]
Fld1 <> 5 OR Fld2 <= 7 --> 1[<>5] OR 2[<=7] --> 1[<>5] | 2[<=7]
[ Diagram ]
[ Change Diagram column width ] ( [1] or [2] or [3] or [4] )
[1] Drag the column name border
[2] Ctrl + Space --> Display the setting value input box
Column width = Standard [ DBSet [6] (1-10000) ] * n ( 0.1 <= n <= 10000 10 <= Column width <= 100000 )
Select a column with [ Ctrl key ] or [Click in Diagram ] and set the column width with Enter key.
[3] After pressing Ctrl+Space, enter column1 / column2 / column3 / … and press Enter or right-click the Diagram.
Example 3 / 5 / 10
( Esc key --> Delete input box )
[4] Set all columns in the first text type column with / in the last row. [ Ctrl+G ]
Example 1 / 2 / 3 / 5 / 7 / 10
Sorting ( of the Diagram ) changes the display but does not change his database file.
When sorting a Diagram ( ascending or descending order ), the row positions will no longer match the database positions.
( Set on the client except for Diagram sorting ( ascending, descending ) )
When copying from a Diagram, specify the selection range in advance.
For the entire Diagram, click the topmost left cell.
For all records in each column, click the column name cell.
For all records in each row, click the leftmost cell.
When copied from a Diagram, each column is separated by a tab and each row is separated by a carriage return code ( 0D[H] ).
[ Change TxtM1 data to CSV type ]
Return code --> Line break ( return code + line feed code ) Tab --> Comma
When copying to a Diagram, specify the selection range in advance.
Separate each column with a tab and each row with a return code.
The data type of each column should match the copy source and copy destination.
When copying the entire Diagram, remove the primary key before copying.
Can be copied to a Diagram during character search or field search.
When copied to a Diagram, it is also recorded in the database file when * . MDB, * . XLS, * . DBF.
[ Change TxtM1 data to Diagram type ]
Line break ( return code + line feed code ) --> Return code Comma --> Tab
When there is a data path in the Diagram, after [ Ctrl + left click on the cell ],
Display text, pictures, sounds, and videos.
[ TXT, (INI), BMP, JPG, GIF are displayed internally. ( INI is text type CSV cannot be displayed ) ]
( Spaces cannot be used in sound and video file names. )
WAV, WMA, AVI, MP3, MP4, MPG can be played using an external media player. ( CDA cannot be played. )
( When not Windows Media Player, configure his MdPyP in the INI file. )
( The old standard AVI cannot be played properly on Windows later than Windows XP. )
Example of external media player setting [ CLC.INI ]
MdPyP = C : \ Program Files \ Windows Media Player \ wmplayer.exe
MdPyP = D : \ MPC-HC \ mpc-hc.exe
Example C:\D\T1.TXT C:\D\M1WAV.TXT * C:\D\P1.BMP C:\D\S1.WAV C:\D\V1.AVI
[ ] . TXT * Displays in TxtBx and Execute.
Contents of M1WAV.TXT
10 # ExctF ; " C : \ Program Files \ Windows Media Player \ wmplayer.exe " C : \ D\M1.WAV
%S1 %A10 E
When the Diagram has a column ( text type ) dedicated to file paths,
After left-clicking the cell at the start position, [ Ctrl + right-clicking the cell ],
Set [ end row ( last = 0 ), number of times, Tm (seconds), mode ( t, e, T, E ) ],
Press the Enter key ( right-click on the Diagram ) to continuously display (play) the file data.
( Spaces cannot be used in sound and video file names.)
TXT, (INI) is displayed in TxtBx. ( Text type INI CSV cannot be displayed )
BMP, JPG, GIF are displayed in AddPctrBx.
When in mode t, e, play [ WAV, WMA, (MPA) ] on internal media player.
When in mode T, E, play [ WAV , WMA, MPA, AVI, MP3, MP4, MPG ] on external media player.
Press the Esc key to pause the round-trip process for display ( playback ), and press Ctrl + F12 to restart the round-trip process for display ( playback ).
Ctrl + Alt + Shift to cancel round-trip processing.
Mode t after Tm has elapsed , the process moves to the next file. ( Stop the player and then move on. )
Mode e displays (plays) to the end and then moves to the next file, at intervals of Tm.
Mode T after Tm has elapsed, the process moves to the next file. ( Transition without stopping the player. )
Mode E displays (plays) to the end and then moves to the next file, at intervals of Tm.
When in mode e, there is no response during playback, so press the key while displaying text or images, or during Tm just before the end of the song.
When in mode E, you cannot proceed to the next step unless you close the player.
When in mode T, if it is the end row, it will be played to the end.
Copy to display (playback) list column
Example of [ Display list of file paths in TxtBx ] in the calculation window.
D:\Data\*.* D:\Data\*.BMP D:\Data\*.WAV D:\Data\*.MP4
( Standard files in the same directory, system files and hidden files are not displayed. )
After editing the file order etc. of the created list,
Copy all required list rows to the clipboard and paste them into the same number of rows in the text type column of the Diagram.
For MDB files,
Add a number to the beginning of the row of the created list and paste it into the text type column of the Diagram,
Perform [ Sort Diagram (ascending) ] on that column and copy the rows in the order.
Paste it into TxtBx, delete the first number of the line, then copy the whole line,
Perform [ Sort ( ascending order ) ] on the primary key column, [ Sort ( record order ) ] on the primary key column,
Paste into the text type column of the Diagram.
[ Replace line break + 0 ~ 9 --> line break Ctrl + H, Alt + K , Alt + X, Alt + K, End key, 0 ~ 9, Alt + Shift + A ]
Edit Database ( * . MDB file )
If there is [ 0 or empty ] in the record of the selected column,
That row is not displayed, so select * column and edit.
[ Change record ] Formula Numeric value or string
[1] Left-click the cell [2] [ Enter key ] or [ double-click the cell ]
[3] Change with DBTxtBx and [ Enter key ] or [ right-click Diagram ] .
[1] Select column ( field ) [2] Select record with button [3] Ctrl + E
[4] Change with DBTxtBx and [ Enter key ] or [ right-click the label ] .
Binary type is changed in binary memory Formula Column name , row ( position in primary key column ) , 0 to 3 ( BnryM )
[1] [ Ctrl+B ] or [ click on item ] [2] Enter the formula [3] [ Enter key ] or [ right-click on label ]
( It is possible even if there is no record of binary type column )
Long text type is changed by TxtBx data
[1] Left click on the cell [2] [ Ctrl+L ] or [ click on item ]
[3] [ Enter key ] or [ Right-click on Diagram ]
[1] Select column ( field ) [2] Select record with button
[3] [ Ctrl+L ] or [ Click on item ] [4] [ Enter key ] or [ Right-click on label ]
If the row in the primary key column is an empty record, change the empty record in the Diagram to TxtBx data.
The data before change that is not an empty record ( including records without characters ) is displayed in DtTxtBx and is also temporarily recorded in TxtM0 .
If the number of characters is small ( within 255 characters ), you can change it using DBTxtBx . ( Ctrl + E )
When the number of bytes for long binary type or long text type is large ,
If you record the data in a file and record only the file path in the database ,
Requires less database processing time .
[ Add row ] Formula Numeric value or string
Data types that can be added are numeric type , text type
Add one line after the last line
Target column FldTxtBx column ( when the focus is on the Diagram, the column of the selected cell )
If there is no DEFAULT setting, nothing will be recorded except for the target column.
An error occurs when adding a row with a column set to DEFAULT
Primary key must be removed for columns other than the primary key column
( After adding a row, change the data in the primary key column and set the primary key. )
( You cannot add rows when it is a binary type )
[ Add N rows ] Formula X , N
Data types that can be added are integer (2B, 4B), real number (8B), text ( 1 to 255B )
Add N lines after the last line
The data recorded is a number from X to X + N - 1
Target column FldTxtBx column ( when the focus is on the Diagram, the column of the selected cell )
Primary key must be removed for columns other than the primary key column
( It is safer to first add rows to the primary key column and then change data in other columns. )
When the primary key is not set
If you create a row ( duplicate row ) where all the data in each column is the same, an error will occur.
No error will be displayed at that time, but an error will occur later ( when the record is changed, etc. )
Even if long binary type or long text type has different data, there will be duplicate row.
Delete if duplicate rows occur ( all duplicate rows will be deleted )
Normally, one primary key is required per table to identify rows.
[ Primary key settings ] Formula Key name
Set to a column without duplicates or empty
After setting the primary key, if a primary key column is duplicated or empty, an error will occur and it will not be recorded.
When releasing the primary key, if it is referenced by a foreign key, release the foreign key first.
Target column FldTxtBx column ( when the focus is on the Diagram, the column of the selected cell )
[ Foreign key settings ] Formula key name, foreign table name, foreign column name ( parent key column )
The external column of the referenced external table is a primary key or unique key column. ( usually the primary key )
The column ( foreign key column ) for which a foreign key is set must have the same data type as the parent key column
The data in the foreign key column must be the data that exists in the parent key column.
Data in parent key columns referenced by foreign key columns cannot be changed.
Target column FldTxtBx column ( when the focus is on the Diagram, the column of the selected cell )
[ Add column ] Formula column name , data type or Formula column name , data type DEFAULT number ('character')
For columns set to DEFAULT, the default value is recorded when a row is added.
When DEFAULT = numeric value ('character'), do not put spaces before and after
Column names cannot contain * Column names cannot contain [ ]
[ Delete column ]
[1] Select column [2] Ctrl + D [3] Press Enter key
Target column FldTxtBx column ( when the focus is on the Diagram, the column of the selected cell )
[ Add Table ] Formula table name or Formula table name ( column name 1 data type, column name 2 data type )
If there are spaces in the table name or column name, enclose them with [ ]
Do not enclose in [ ] when deleting a table, deleting a column, adding a column
( According to the SQL standard, spaces are used to separate elements, so it is better not to use spaces. )
Copy table data of MDB file (*.MDB) to table of another MDB file
Formula copy destination path (*.MDB), new table name, copy source path, copy source table name
Copy data from text files (*.CSV, *.TXT) to MDB file table
Formula copy destination path (*.MDB), new table name, text file path
The data type is automatically determined.
Depending on the PC environment, the year will be the last date type ( Datetime type ) column.
If you change the year/month/day separator to "+" or "blank/blank", or "insert a blank (2B) before the year", it becomes a text type column.
LONG type (Int type), if there are more than 2147483647, it will not be displayed.
( The carryover was over 5 billion yen and was not displayed in Loto7.CSV.
When the first row is set to blank (2B) 0, it becomes a double precision real number type ( DOUBLE type ) . )
Copy Sheet data of Excel file (*.XLS) to table of MDB file
Formula Copy destination path (*.MDB), new table name, Excel file path, Sheet name
Requires DSN file
For MDB files, connect the column data of each row with a blank (2B) and record it in a separate column ( text type ) .
Start row, End row, column No.1, column No.2, column No.3 …, recording column ( text type ) + Enter key
When the End row is E, last row. When the End row is -N, last row - N. The number of columns is up to 1000 .
Columns other than binary type or long text type. Cancel with Esc key.
Convert empty to 0. When there is only one column, it is the same as copying.
For MDB files, record the number of identical data in a column in a separate column ( numeric type )
Start row, End row, column number, recording column ( numeric type) + Enter key
When the End row is E, last row. When the End row is -N, last row - N.
Columns other than binary type or long text type. Cancel with Esc key.
The number of empty records is 0.
SQL Formula SQL statement
If the number of characters is more than 255, copy it to the clipboard and press Ctrl + U .
( Data with return code and line feed code deleted )
Select specific column
SELECT column name 1, column name 2 FROM table name
( Data cannot be changed in SELECT results )
Select all columns that match the condition
SELECT * FROM table name WHERE conditional statement
Copy SELECT results to new table
SELECT * INTO new table name FROM column name WHERE conditional statement
Add View ( View is a temporary table for viewing the selection results and data cannot be changed )
CREATE VIEW view name AS SELECT column name 1, column name 2 FROM table name
CREATE VIEW view name AS SELECT column name FROM table name WHERE conditional statement
> , >= , < , <= , = , <> ( not equal )
Column name LIKE 'A' ( Row containing string A ) _ represents any single character % represents any character string
Column name IN(A,B,C) ( Row equal to either A, B, C ) If it is a string, surround it with ''
Column name IN( SELECT statement ) ( Row equal to any of the SELECT results )
Column name NOT IN( A,B,C ) ( Row with neither A, B, C ) If it is a string, surround it with ''
Column name NOT IN ( SELECT statement ) ( None of the rows in the SELECT result )
Column name BETWEEN A AND B ( Row in the range A <= X <= B )
Column name <> ALL( SELECT statement ) ( None of the rows in the SELECT result )
Column name > ALL( SELECT statement ) ( more rows than all of the SELECT results )
Column name > ANY( SELECT statement ) ( more rows than any of the SELECT results )
AVG (column name) COUNT (column name) MAX (column name) MIN (column name) SUM (column name) ABS (column name) STR (column name)
INT ( numeric type column name ) TXT ( text type column name )
Example SELECT SUM(INT) FROM table name
Example SELECT INT , ABS(INT) FROM table name WHERE INT < 0
Example SELECT INT , ABS(INT) FROM table name WHERE Mid(STR(INT),1,1) = '-' ( first character is - or blank )
Example SELECT TXT , ABS(TXT) FROM table name WHERE Mid(TXT,1,1) = '-'
Number of characters LEN (column name) Kanji is also 1 character
Example SELECT * , LEN(column name) FROM table name
Example SELECT * FROM table name WHERE LEN(INT) > 3
Example SELECT INT , ABS(INT) FROM table name WHERE LEN(INT) = 4
Example SELECT INT , ABS(INT) FROM table name WHERE LEN(STR(INT)) = 4 ( Increase by 1 if there is no + sign )
Character selection Mid ( column name, starting position, number of characters )
Example SELECT * , Mid(column name,1,5) FROM table name
Example SELECT * FROM table name WHERE Mid(INT,1,1) = '3'
Select characters from the right RIGHT ( column name, number of characters )
Example SELECT * , RIGHT(column name,4) FROM table name
Example SELECT * FROM table name WHERE RIGHT(INT,2) = '30'
Database file
*.CSV file
Database type text file ( same as *.TXT file )
The first line is column name, and second line is first data(record) row.
Separate column name and data with a comma (,) Separate each row with a line break
The column data type is automatically set to numeric type and text type.
Spaces before and after the data are deleted. For numeric types, first 0 are removed.
If it is a text type, replace the blank space with another character in advance to avoid shifting the position.
( If you need a first 0, place a Japanese space before the 0 to make it a text type. )
There is no table ( file name corresponds to table name )
As a database process, changes other than [ Add N rows ] cannot be made. ( * . CSV, * . TXT )
Change cell data [ Diagram ]
[1] Copy and change each cell in the Diagram. ( Delete unnecessary rows where the number of columns does not match )
[2] Click the top left cell to select the entire Diagram.
[3] Save original file with [ Save selected data from Diagram in CSV file ].
Add column ( First, Last )
[1] First F11 key, column name, Enter key
Last F12 key, column name, Enter key
[2] Confirm by pressing the Enter key.
Delete columns with no data ( First, Last )
[1] First Shift + F11 keys, column name, Enter key
Last Shift + F12 keys, column name, Enter key
[2] Confirm by pressing the Enter key.
Delete all data in the target column. ( Copy the column with no data and save it to the original file. )
Add column, Delete column, Delete row [ MDB file ]
Copy * . CSV file to MDB file table, edit it, save the Diagram data to the original file.
Move column [ Text box ]
[1] Display the file to be edited in the text box.
[2] In the calculation window edit menu [ CSV file Column Move ],
Specify the column order of the source and destination. ( Example 3, 5 Enter key )
[3] Save to original file.
*.MDB file
Microsoft Access data file
Example of creating a database file
[1] Create a file
Ctrl+D Esc key Alt+F F ABC.MDB Enter key
( If there is only the file name ( ABC.MDB ), it will be the DtBDr directory. )
[2] Create ( add ) table
F5 key Select ABC.MDB Alt+E TA
Tb1 ( N LONG, Tx TEXT(100), LTx LONGTEXT, LBn LONGBINARY, Name TEXT(50) ) Enter key
[3] Add N rows
Ctrl+N 1, 100 Enter key
[4] Primary key settings
Select Tb1 in the table, press Enter, select N in the field.
Alt+E TP N Enter key
* . XLS file
Microsoft Excel data file
Requires DSN file
It is not possible to add columns, delete columns, delete rows in an existing table.
It is not possible to set or release the key.
* . DBF file
dBASE data file
It is not possible to add columns, delete columns in an existing table.
It is not possible to set or release the key.
MDB file
Variable text type VarChar(n) 1 <= n <= 255 [B]
Fixed text type Char(n) 1 <= n <= 255 [B]
Variable text type TEXT(n) 1 <= n <= 255 [B]
Long text type LONGTEXT 1[B] ~ 1[GB] ( or 536870910[B] (Unicode) )
Integer type BYTE 1[B] 0 ~ 255
Integer type SHORT 2[B] -2 ^ 15 ~ +2 ^ 15-1
Integer type LONG 4[B] -2 ^ 31 ~ +2 ^ 31-1
Single precision real number type SINGLE 4[B]
Double precision real number type DOUBLE 8[B]
Logical type BIT 1or2 [B] 0, 1
Variable binary type VARBINARY(n) ( BINARY(n) ) 1 <= n <= 255 [B]
Variable length binary type LONGBINARY 1[B] ~ 1[GB]
Currency type CURRENCY 8[B]
Date type DATETIME 8[B] January 1, 100 ~ December 31, 9999
( SQL Server )
Variable text type VarChar(n) 1 <= n <= 255 [B]
Fixed text type Char(n) 1 <= n <= 255 [B]
Long text type Text 1 ~ 2 ^ 31-1 [B]
Integer type Tinyint 1[B] 0 ~ 255
Integer type Smallint 2[B] -2 ^ 15 ~ +2 ^ 15-1
Integer type Int 4[B] -2 ^ 31 ~ +2 ^ 31-1
Double precision real type Float 8[B]
Logical type Bit 1or2 [B] 0, 1
Variable binary type VarBinary(n) ( Binary(n) ) 1 <= n <= 255 [B]
Variable length binary type Image 1 ~ 2 ^ 31-1 [B]
Currency type Money 8[B]
Date type Datetime 8[B] January 1, 1753 ~ December 31, 9999
( Oracle )
Variable text type VARCHAR2(n) 1 <= n <= 2000 [B]
Fixed text type CHAR(n) 1 <= n <= 4000 [B]
Long text type LONG 1 ~ 2 ^ 31-1 [B]
Numeric type NUMBER( n, +-m ) n = number of digits ( 1 <= n <= 38 )
+m = number of digits after the decimal point ( 0<= m <=37 ) -m = magnification 10 ^ m ( 1<= m <=84 )
Binary type BLOB 1 ~ 2 ^ 32 [B]
Date type DATE January 1, 4712 BC ~ December 31, 4712 BC